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Teacher information (degree and Performance)

Teacher details

LIU Zewen

LIU Zewen

Faculty of Economics Department of International Commerce
Assistant Professor

Researcher Information

Specialized fields

Cambodian economic research, Asian economy, and development economy

Subjects in charge

Development Economics
Developing Countries
Chinese economic theory
Specialized Exercises

Educational background

Graduated from Hunan Normal University of Foreign Languages
Graduated from Kyushu University Graduate School of Economics
Graduate School of Economics, Kyushu University

Acquisition degree

Master's (Department of Economic System) [Kyushu University]

Affiliated Society

Japan Association for Asian Political and Economic Studies
East Asian Society

Research Keywords

Cambodia, Southeast Asia, agricultural products, land development, economic growth, foreign direct investment

Current research theme

I am studying economic development in the Asian region, mainly focusing on Cambodia.

Major Research Results and Activities

・The Cassava Production and Exportation in Cambodia Driven by Chinese、
Kyushu University Asia Week 2021 Asia-Oceania Award Poster Session.

・"Consideration on Cambodia's Expanding Cambodia exports to China in the 2010s", 2022 Spring Meeting of the Asian Economic Society of Economics.

・"Expansion of cassava export in Cambodia: Focusing on the International division of labor in agricultural processing industry", the 33rd meeting of the East Asian Society of East Asia in 2023.

・ Examples of the International division of labor in the cassava industry in Southeast Asia, 2023, Kyushu University Economic Society of Economics, separate volume 29, pp. 8-11

Class seminar

My seminar

Consider the theme of the development economy

Development economics is an area of economics that considers poverty alleviation and economic development in developing countries. Developing countries are facing a variety of economic challenges, including hunger, discrimination, infectious diseases, conflicts, child labor, and the environment. On the other hand, as globalization progresses, new technological innovations have arisen in developing countries, which are becoming more advanced than Japan. If you look at Japan from a different perspective after learning about the development issues in developing countries, there is something new. The purpose of this seminar is to acquire the ability to understand development economics and society of developing countries from a broad perspective while reading literature on economic development in developing countries, and to learn about the economy and society of developing countries from a broad perspective.

Social Activities

Response to SDGs

Based on Japanese industrial analysis, the development and development of industries, especially the role played by technological innovation (innovation) in industrial development.


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