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Teacher information (degree and Performance)

Teacher details

KONDO Hiroki

KONDO Hiroki

Faculty of Data Science Department of Data Science
Associate Professor

Researcher Information

Specialized fields

Probability analysis, insurance actuarial

Subjects in charge

Liberal Arts Mathematics

Educational background

Graduated from the Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, the University of Tokyo
Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, Kyushu University

Acquisition degree

Ph.D. (Mathematical Science)

Affiliated Society

Japan Actuary Society, Japan Insurance and Pension Risk Society, Japan Statistical Society

Research Keywords

Current research theme

[Probability Analysis] Research on diffusion processes on CR variants
Actuarial actuarial Bayesian estimates of IBNR, Copura, Loss Ratio

Major Research Results and Activities

・Indecomposable decomposition of tensor products of modules over the restricted quantum universal enveloping algebra associated to sl2, Journal of Algebra 330 (2011), 103-129 (with Y. Saito)
・Asymptotic tail dependence of the normal copula, Journal of Math-for-Industry Vol. 4 (2012A-9), 73-78 (with S. Saito, S. Taniguchi)
・Bayesian approach to measuring parameter and model risk in loss ratio estimation, Journal of Math-for-Industry Vol. 4 (2012B-1), 85-89 (with S. Saito)
・The Bowman-Bradley theorem for multiple zeta-star values, Journal of Number Theory 132 (2012), 1984-2002 (with S. Saito, T. Tanaka)
・A construction of diffusion processes associated with sub-Laplacian on CR manifolds and its applications, Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan Vol. 69 No. 1 (2017), 111-125 (with S. Taniguchi)
・A concrete approach to diagonal short time asymptotics of heat kernels associated with sub-Laplacian on CR manifolds, Kyushu Journal of Mathematics 71 (2017), 65-84


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