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Teacher information (degree and Performance)

Teacher details



Faculty of Economics Department of Economics
Associate Professor

Researcher Information

Specialized fields

Economic Geology

Subjects in charge

Economic Geophysics, Economic Statistics, Introduction to Humanities, Specialized Exercises

Educational background

Completed a master's degree in economic system, Kyushu University

Acquisition degree

Master's (Economics)

Affiliated Society

Geoscience Society of Japan, Economic Geographical Society, Japan Society for Urban Studies (JSPS)

Research Keywords

Industrial agglomeration, Industry-Academia Collaboration, Urban Systems, Tourism Flow Analysis

Current research theme

Industrial agglomeration and Innovation: We regard economic disparities and opportunity gaps between regions as problems, and conduct research on intercity comparisons. In particular, we are studying the spatial characteristics of innovation systems, focusing on regional disparities in research and development functions that stand out in today's knowledge-economic society.
Data Platform Development: We are also working on data platform development (DATASALAD, Outing Watcher) to expand the use of regional economic data and promote tourism.

Major Research Results and Activities

“Geographical Characteristics of Industry-Academia Collaboration Linkages in Joint Application”, “Economic Geographical Characteristics of Industry-Academia Collaboration Linkages in Joint Application”, “Economic Geographical Characteristics of Industry-Academia Collaboration Linkage in Joint Application”, “Economic Geographical Characteristics”, Vol.69, No.4, pp.195-215”, Vol. 4, Vol.69, Vol. 4, Vol.69, Vol. 4, Vol.
“Qualitative Evaluation of the Central Region and Comparative Analysis of Inter-territories”, “Chubu Area Studies”, No.223, pp.135-143, June 2023.
"Changes in Human Fall Months After the Opening of the West Kyushu Shinkansen" (co-authored), "Kyushu Economic Survey Monthly Report", January 2023 issue.
“Estimated population by 2050 based on the 2020 Census,” “Kyushu Economic Survey Monthly Report”, October 2022 issue.
“Development of a new human flow index“ Outing Index ””, “Kyushu Economic Survey Monthly Report”, May 2022 issue.
"Kyushu Economic and DATASALAD Information and Utilization Examples (2022)" (co-authored), "Kyushu Economic Survey Monthly Report", April 2022 issue.
“Changes in Corporate Locations in Japan and Kyushu Regions during the COVID-19 pandemic”, “Kyushu Economic Survey Monthly Report”, December 2021 issue.
"Evaluation of attractiveness of cities from the viewpoint of microphone logic data in service industry" (co-authored), "Kyushu Economic Survey Monthly Report", August 2021.
"Attraction of cities and tourist destinations from the viewpoint of quality and diversity of tourism resources" (co-authored), "Kyushu Economic Survey Monthly Report", August 2021 issue.
“Population Migration and Employment Opportunities in the Kyushu Region under Regional Revitalization” (co-authored), “Kyushu Economic Survey Monthly Report”, April 2021 issue.
“Decentralized Society Promoting the Spread of COVID-19”, “Kyushu Economic White Paper Covid-19 Shock and Kyushu Economy”, Chapter 4, February 2021.
Co-authored by the Japan Finance Corporation, No.49, pp.39-60, November 2020.
“Impact of COVID-19 on Kyushu’s Production and Investment”, “Kyushu Economic Survey Monthly Report”, May 2020.
“Issues to Utilization of Economic Statistics and What DATASALAD aims for”, “Kyushu Economic Survey Monthly Report”, November 2019 issue.
“Kyushu’s Economic and Investment Trends in Kyushu in the 2010s”, “Real Estate Research”, Vol.61, No.3, pp.3-12, July 2019.
"Fukuoka's Urban Growth and Kyushu in Post-branch Economic Period", "Kyushu Economic Survey Monthly Report", April 2019 issue.
“Change of Fukuoka Branch Economic City”, “Economic Geographical Report”, Vol.64, No.4, pp.303-318, December 2018.
“The actual situation of human resources shortage and impact on the Kyushu economy”, edited by the Kyushu Economic Research Association, “2017 Kyushu Economic White Paper Regional Strategy for Surviving the Era of Human Resource Depletion,” Chapter 1, February 2017.
“New Players Supporting Economic Activities”, edited by the Kyushu Economic Research Association, “2017 Kyushu Economic White Paper Regional Strategy to Surviving the Age of Human Resource Depletion”, Chapter 2, February 2017.
“Background, Current Situation and Issues of Measures to Promote Migration and Settlement in Local Areas: Cases in the Kyushu Region”, Geological Magazine, Vol.125, No.4, pp.507-522, September 2016.
"Higashi Kyushu Expressway Opening and Industrial Location", "Industrial Location", Vol.55, No.3, May 2016.
"Registration of World Heritage and Regional Revitalization of Meiji Japan's Industrial Revolution Heritage," Kyushu Economic Survey Monthly Report, August 2015 issue.
“Opening Kyushu Shinkansen and Transformation of Fukuoka City”, “SC JAPAN TODAY”, May 2015 issue.
“Creative Human Resources Migration to Fukuoka”, “Business Labour Trends”, February 2015 issue.
“Urban Area Transformation and Reality of Living in Town”, Kyushu Economic Research Association, “2015 Kyushu Economic White Paper City Reconstruction and Design of Regional Revitalization”, Chapter 5, February 2015 .
"NHK Taiga drama series" Gunshi Kanbe "and Regional Revitalization-Economic Ripple Effects of Broadcasting", "Kyushu Economic Survey Monthly Report", September 2014 issue.
“Analyses of Location Behavior Analysis of Locations of Universities in Japan”, Geographical Review, Vol.84, pp.473-489, September 2011.

Others (lectures, appearances, committee members, etc.)

He has many lectures on the economic structure and dynamics of Kyushu and Fukuoka.

Class seminar

My seminar

Based on the faculty's own practical experience, the aim is to create reports and papers and papers and acquire skills that are useful after employment through opportunities to present and discuss themes related to the local economy. It is important to know the problems that are occurring in the local area and to have their own ideas.

Social Activities

Response to SDGs

Based on Japanese industrial analysis, the development and development of industries, especially the role played by technological innovation (innovation) in industrial development.


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