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Teacher information (degree and Performance)

Teacher details



Faculty of Economics Department of Economics
Associate Professor

Researcher Information

Specialized fields

Finances, social security theory

Subjects in charge

Economic Policy I and II, Public Economics, Specialized Exercises I and II

Educational background

Graduated from Kwansei Gakuin University Faculty of Economics
Ph.D. Graduate School of Economics, Kwansei Gakuin University
Ph.D. in Graduate School of Economics, Kwansei Gakuin University

Acquisition degree

Ph.D. (Economics) [Kwansei Gakuin University]

Affiliated Society

The Japan Finance Society, the Japanese Society of Local Finance, the Society of Social Policy

Research Keywords

Current research theme

“Financial Analysis of Financial Management and Social Security in an Aging Society”
 Japan's fiscal and social security systems are facing major difficulties due to delays in responding to structural changes such as slowing economic growth, women's advancement into society, and the rapidly declining birthrate and aging population. As long as the current fiscal structure is maintained, the impact is expected to be concentrated on young people and future generations. From the perspective that avoiding this is essential to the development of society, we will conduct a financial analysis on public services that promote social development and the intergenerational allocation of cost burdens that make it sustainable.

Major Research Results and Activities

・“Development of the Future Estimation Model for Japan’s Public Pension Finance,” No. 40, Institute of Industrial Research, Kwansei Gakuin University), March 2013, pp. 99-107.
・Sachio Konishi, edited by Sachio Konishi, "Contemporary History of Japanese Finance 3 Structural Reform and The Stays 2001-" Chapter 9, Yuhikaku, May 2014, pp.195-220.
・“Sustainability Analysis of Public Pensions: Approach Using Pension Actuariations and Balance Sheets”, Japan Hyoronsha, June 2015. “Financial Constraints of the Medical Insurance System, Inter-System Disparities and Reforms of the Medical Insurance System: Policy Decision-making Process Over the Elderly Care System” (Aichi University), No. 107, September 2017.

Class seminar

My seminar

In this exercise, the knowledge gained through lectures and text readings will be used to empirically verify the impact of economic policy on society, and at the same time logically consider how the impact was caused by this. Through this, we will build the vision of various issues facing reality and the ability to think about ways to overcome them.


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