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Teacher information (degree and Performance)

Teacher details



Organization for Liberal Arts Education International Exchange Center
Associate Professor
Director International Exchange Center

Researcher Information

Specialized fields

Educational sociology, intercultural education, and Chinese Overseas Chinese Studies

Subjects in charge

Specialized Seminars I and II, Intercultural Exchange, Diversity, Multicultural Symbiosis, Academic Literacy

Educational background

Graduate School of Human Sciences, Osaka University

Acquisition degree

Master's (Human Science)

Affiliated Society

Japan Society of Education, Japan Society of Education, Japanese Society of Education, Japanese Society of Intercultural Education, Japanese Society of Overseas Chinese Society

Research Keywords

Multicultural Education
Foreign Schools (Chinese School)

Current research theme

1) Research on Multicultural Education
We are conducting educational sociology surveys on the education and career development of foreign children who came to Japan since 1980.
2) Study of Foreign Schools
For foreign schools in Japan (especially Chinese schools), we are conducting interviews with young people, teachers, and parents of overseas Chinese students studying there. From fiscal 2020, I would like to clarify the relationship between the course formation process and school experience under the theme of "Study on the socialization function of Chinese schools".

Major Research Results and Activities

・Edited by Kokichi Shimizu, "Newcomer Living in High School-Education Support at Osaka Prefectural High School", Akashi Shoten, 2008
・Edited by Kokichi Shimizu, Tomoko Nakajima, and Kajiji Kaji, edited by Kokichi Shimizu, Tomoko Nakajima, and Kajiji Kajiji, "Association for Foreigners in Japan:
・Edited by Kokichi Shimizu and edited by Hayashizaki Kazuhiko, "The World's Hard School: Efforts to Correct Academic Disparities in East Asia and Western Europe" Akashi Shoten 2019 (Chapter 3, 10, Hong Kong Part)
・Ennai Enai, Kosuke Yamamoto, "Osaka's High School Walking with Foreign Students: Transformation of School Culture and Life Course of Graduates" Akashi Shoten 2023 (part 3rd part of the school: now: shared writing)

Consignment of Scientific Research Expenses

[Research Representative]
・Research on Socialization Functions of Chinese Schools (Research: ISHIKAWA Tomoko, Shimonoseki City University) 2020-2023

[Research Co-operator]
・Project Fundamental Research (A) “Clinical Education Sociology Research on Understanding and improving and overcoming academic disparities” (Research Representative: Kokichi Shimizu, Osaka University Graduate School) 2014-2019
・Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) “Study on Transfer Forms in Education for Newcomers” (Research Representative: Osaka University, Osaka University) 2018-2021
・Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Research on Learning Places for Foreign Students: National Survey of Specially Capacity and High Schools” (Research Representative: Matsuo Tamaki, Utsunomiya University) 2019-2024.
・Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) "Education Sociology on Elimination and Inclusion in School Systems-From a Minority Perspective" (Research Representative: Kokichi Shimizu, Osaka University) 2020-2023

[Research Cooperator]
・The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Research Representative: Kokichi Shimizu, Graduate School of Osaka University) 2011-2012

Class seminar

My seminar

Chinese social theory and multicultural coexistence

In the seminar, we will consider Chinese society from the perspective of "movement of people." After the reform and open-door policy in 1978, the movement of people and goods from China to foreign countries has become more active. In addition, due to the relaxation of the departure policy, the departure boom such as studying abroad has occurred, and the number of new immigrants has increased. Furthermore, as represented by "overseas overseas Chinese", Chinese immigrants are characterized by a long history and large scale not only in Southeast Asia but also in Japan, Europe and the United States. In this seminar, we will focus on the fact that the transformation of "China" affects changes in the environment and consciousness surrounding the movement of people from China, and deepen their learning about the state of Chinese society. In addition, in this seminar, you can set up various research themes and explore freely. (e.g., multicultural coexistence, children with foreign roots, educational issues, disparities, gender, family relationships, environmental issues, youth values, etc.)

Social Activities

Response to SDGs

Based on Japanese industrial analysis, the development and development of industries, especially the role played by technological innovation (innovation) in industrial development.


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