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Teacher information (degree and Performance)

Teacher details

SAKAI Hiroshi

SAKAI Hiroshi

Faculty of Data Science Department of Data Science

Researcher Information

Specialized fields

Applied Mathematics, calculation logical mathematics, rough aggregation theory, table data analysis

Subjects in charge

Linear algebra, analysis, table data mathematical analysis, table data mathematical analysis exercises

Educational background

Graduated from the Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Kyushu University in 1982
1987 Department of Information Systems, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Kyushu University
     Graduated from the doctoral program
     Assistant Professor, Kyushu Institute of Technology
2024, Professor Emeritus of Kyushu Institute of Technology
     Professor, Shimonoseki City University

Acquisition degree

1989 Ph.D. of Science (Kyushu University)

Affiliated Society

International Rough Group Society, IEEE, Japan Society of Intelligence Information Fazii Society, Japan Mathematical Society

Research Keywords

Rough set and granular calculations, table data analysis, rule generation, incomplete information, NIS-app algorithm, decision-making support, machine learning through rule generation.

Current research theme

"Rough group undetermined information analysis (RNIA) and its application"
We are conducting research to generate dependencies in tabular data as rules, and we propose and implement NIS-app-orithm to further expand the generative function to incomplete information. The rules obtained by RNIA are used for decision-making support, complementing missing values, extracting and selecting characteristics, and understanding of attribute dependencies. Since table data can be processed uniformly, it is highly versatile, and because it processes discrete value table data, which is difficult to define average and dispersion, it will also lead to complementing statistical methods.

Major Research Results and Activities

1.Determined Information Analysis, Intelligence and Information Magazine, 2023, https://doi.org/10.3156/jsoft.35.4_746
2.Rough Group Undetermined Information Analysis and NIS - App Ori System - Rule Generation System based on possible world semantics -, Intelligence and Information Magazine, 2020, https://doi.org/10.3156/jsoft.32.4_747
3.NIS-Apriori-based rule generation with three-way decision and its application system in SQL, Information Sciences, 2020, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ins.2018.09.008
4.Rough set-based rule generation and Apriori-based rule generation from table data sets: A survey and a combination, CAAI Trans. Intelligence Technology Magazine, 2019, https://doi.org/10.1049/trit.2019.0001

About 150 journals, international conference papers, etc.

Consignment of Scientific Research Expenses

Machine learning from incomplete information tables by rule generation and their applications
Fundamental Research (C) April 2020-March 2024

7 representative cases. https://nrid.nii.ac.jp/ja/nrid/1000060201513/

Others (lectures, appearances, committee members, etc.)

[Lecture] An Overview of NIS-Apriori Based Data Mining and Its Software Tool in SQL (Plenary lecture)
The 2nd Asian Conference on Artificial Intelligence Technology, hosted by CAAI TiT, China, Chongqing, 2018.

5 Invited lectures, etc.

1.International Rough Meeting, Senior Members, Advisory Members
2.CAAI Tran. Intelligence Technology Magazine (relative editor)
3.International Advisory Board (IMDA)
4.IJRIS magazine (editorial board member)
5.PC members such as IJCRS, ISMIS, IUKM, FIM, etc.
6.Secretary of the Japan Society of Intelligence Information Fazii Society, Rough Group

Part-time lecturer, Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu Institute of Technology (Statistics, Linear Mathematics B)

Class seminar

My seminar

Research Institute of Applied Mathematics

Raft group undecided information analysis (RNIA) and its application

Social Activities

Response to SDGs

Based on Japanese industrial analysis, the development and development of industries, especially the role played by technological innovation (innovation) in industrial development.


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