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Teacher information (degree and Performance)

Teacher details

SATO Yuichi

SATO Yuichi

Faculty of Economics Department of Economics

Researcher Information

Specialized fields

Theoretical Economics (macroeconomics and microeconomics), environmental economics

Subjects in charge

Macroeconomics I and Microeconomics I
Environmental Resource Economics, Economic Mathematics, Introductory Seminars and Development
Expertise Exercise I

Educational background

Completed Ph.D. in Graduate School of Economics Economics, Chuo University

Acquisition degree

Ph.D. (Economics) Chuo University

Affiliated Society

Japanese Economic Association, Japan Geological Society of Japan, Economic Policy Research Institute, Japan Applied Society of Economics, Japan Applied Society of Economics
Society of Environmental Economics and Policy, Japan EU Society, Keynes

Research Keywords

Environmental economy (contamination), macroeconomics, microeconomics (contamination and oligopoly)

Current research theme

・Studies on environmental pollution and environmental taxation (using compound and oligopoly model)
・Content on the environment and macroeconomic/microeconomics (using comparative statics and dynamics)

Major Research Results and Activities

The Effectiveness of Ambient Charges in a Static n-firm Cournot Oligopoly, Economic Research Institute, Chuo University, 2021, 53(II)pp.251-258.
Research on surface pollution and environmental taxation using Bertrand compound occupation, Annual Report of Economic Research Institute, Chuo University, 2022, 54,pp.255-280.
SATO Yuichi Toichiro Asada (co-authored) Economic Effects of Environmental Taxation in Dynamic Entry Price Model, Annual Report of Chuo University Economic Research Institute 2023, 55,pp.233-254.

Class seminar

My seminar

We will consider themes related to environmental economy and theoretical economy.

・I think about environmental economics from various aspects. In addition, we will also consider themes such as macroeconomics and microeconomics related to the Japanese economy.
・To solve the above problems, set and work on them.
・We will work together to solve problems while working together.
In general, the goal is to develop the ability to learn, think, and the importance of achieving something with someone. By achieving this goal, you will be able to work on improving your problem-solving skills and coordination skills.

Social Activities

Response to SDGs

Based on Japanese industrial analysis, the development and development of industries, especially the role played by technological innovation (innovation) in industrial development.


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