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Teacher information (degree and Performance)

Teacher details

SUZUKI Toshimitsu

SUZUKI Toshimitsu

Faculty of Economics Department of International Commerce
Associate Professor

Researcher Information

Specialized fields

Labor economics, applied Measurement Economics, Applied Measurement Economics

Subjects in charge

・Labor economic theory
・Personnel and Labor Management Theory
・Applied Metrology Economic Analysis

Educational background

・March 2010 Ph.D. in Graduate School of Economics, Chuo University
・March 2006 Completed Master of Graduate School of Economics Chuo University
・March 2004 Graduated from Department of Economics Faculty of Economics, Chuo University
・March 2000 Graduated from Sendai Daisan High School, Miyagi Prefecture

Acquisition degree

・Ph.D. (Economics) Chuo University
・Master's (Economics) Chuo University
・Bachelor of Economics, Chuo University

Affiliated Society

・Japanese Economic Association
・Japan Economic Policy Association
・Population Association of Japan

Research Keywords

・Labor economy
・Human Resources and Labor Management
・Declining birthrate
・Economic Statistics

Current research theme

・Future projections of labor supply and demand
・Decisions on marriage and childbirth
・Economic considerations on obesity
・Research on the development and improvement of the National Accounts System
・Impact of natural catastrophes on the regional labor market

Major Research Results and Activities

・“Demographical Diplomatic Behavior in Social Economic Factors”, “Demographic Library 22 Demographics of Sexuality”, Chapter 3, Hiroshi Kojima, Hikaru Wada, Hara Shobo, November 2022
・No.166 Economic and Social Research Institute, Cabinet Office, November 2020
・“Employment Management of Companies in Disaster Areas”, “Great East Japan Earthquake Reconstruction Research IV Proposals for Reconstruction in Tohoku” Chapter 4, Chapter 4, Tohoku University Graduate School of Graduate School of Economics, Tohoku University March 2015
・“Obesity and Wages,” Chapter 11, Tomoko Furugoori, and Tsukasa Matsuura, Nippon Hyoronsha, Jan. 2014

Others (lectures, appearances, committee members, etc.)

・Secretary of Demographic Study Group

Class seminar

My seminar

The goal of the seminar is to enable students to collect data on their own, analyze and analyze them using the metric analysis software R, report exercises, and constructive discussions with other students on economic issues.

Main research themes: Labor Economics, Human Resources Labor Management, Declining Birthrate, Economic Statistics

Social Activities

Response to SDGs

Based on Japanese industrial analysis, the development and development of industries, especially the role played by technological innovation (innovation) in industrial development.


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