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- About holding of Shimonoseki City University 53rd University Festival (Maguan Festival)
Shimonoseki City University
#University eventsAbout holding of Shimonoseki City University 53rd University Festival (Maguan Festival)
The 2014 University Festival (Maguan Festival) will be held according to the following schedule.
Currently, the University Festival Executive Committee is working hard to prepare.
The participation of citizens is also welcome. Please come to the university with your family, friends, etc.
Date and time: October 11, 2014 (Sat)-October 13, 2014 (Mon./holiday)
Location: In Shimonoseki City University (2-1-1, Shimonoseki City University)
※For details (scheduled to be posted sequentially, please see the website of the University Festival Executive Committee.
※State of last year's university festival
- State of the stage
- Students who gather at a simulation store
- Flea market
- A haunted house enjoyed by elementary school students
[Publishing date: 2014.6.23]
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