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Shimonoseki City University



#General Managers

Joint independent research presentation was held in FY2014.

 On December 11, 2014, a joint independent research presentation was held in the I-206 classroom of the main building.
 As in the previous year, there was a conventional presentation in which students voluntarily find issues and proceed with research, and a PBL presentation aimed at receiving assignments from business entities as part of career education, and planning and proposals for those issues.

 A total of 20 students from 6 groups were given presentations. Numerous themes such as Twitter research on the theme of "Ana and the Queen of Snow", full-length presentation on official development assistance in English, and commercialization of bread using Yamaguchi Prefecture's specialty products in collaboration with Daimaru Shimonoseki. The announcement was made, and the interim report was very rich.
 In addition, many people attended from outside the university this year, and a total of 10 students, including students from Shimonoseki Commercial High School and Ube High School students, visited the university.

 I hope that the students who gave this presentation will participate as an audience next year and ask questions and advice as experienced people in joint independent research, and develop into a place where they can gain more knowledge and experience.

 After the final report of the research was made in January, the final report will be displayed and stored in the library, and anyone can view it.

[Date of publication: 2015.1.13]

Public university corporation Shimonoseki City University
Academic Affairs Group Educational Affairs Group
TEL. 083-252-0289 / FAX. 083-252-8099