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Shimonoseki City University



#Regional Co-creation

Announcement of the 2017 Regional Co-creation Research Report Meeting

Regional co-creation research is a research aimed at TUFS faculty members to identify regional issues from the perspective of contributing to the community and work on solving those issues. We are looking forward to the participation of many citizens and our university students as follows.

※Both of the following two reports are interim reports at the end of the first year of the two-year research period.

◆Date and time: June 8 (Thu.) 18:30 to 20:30
◆Location: Shimonoseki City University Main Building I-201 Classroom
◆Participation fee: Free
◆Application: Not required
◆Parking spaces are limited, so please use public transportation if possible.

[Report 1] Marketing Strategy of Regional Financial Institutions in Shimonoseki City

Reporter: Yuji Mori, Professor Department of Economics Faculty of Economics

Overview: The financial and economic environment in Shimonoseki City, Yamaguchi Prefecture, which forms the basis for financial institutions, is the financial market structure and characteristics of regional financial institutions.
    I gave an overview of it. Furthermore, we analyzed the location of deposit financial institutions in Yamaguchi Prefecture and Shimonoseki City.
    I did it. Previous research institutes analyzed the characteristics of financial institutions in Yamaguchi Prefecture by applying similar methods to other prefectures.
    By comparing the results of the survey, we clarified the characteristics of the relationship between the placement of financial institutions and the economic efficiency of financial institutions in Yamaguchi Prefecture.
    He also pointed out that the introduction of analysis from a new perspective is an issue.

[Report 2] Possibility of City Promotion in Shimonoseki City

Reporter: Professor Department of International Commerce YANAGI Jun Faculty of Economics

Overview: In this study, we will grasp the actual situation and trends of city promotion by local governments, mainly in Shimonoseki City.
    Occasionally, by exploring the possibilities of city promotion, and how the city promotion should be.
    The purpose of this study is to consider the law. This report is positioned as an interim report, fiscal 2016 (2016)
    Local hearings related to city promotion in Shimonoseki City conducted from the first half to the middle stages of the program.
    To clarify the issues that need to be considered from the results of surveys and data collection.



[Posting date: 2017.4.26]

Regional Co-creation Center attached to Shimonoseki City University
TEL. 083-254-8613 / FAX. 083-253-1622
E-mail. [email protected]