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Shimonoseki City University



#International exchange

Alert regarding COVID-19 infection

 On the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Overseas Safety website, the infectious disease risk level in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China is "Level 3: Please stop traveling." (Travel Cancellation Recommendation) has been raised. Students planning to travel to China other than Wuhan City or study abroad may be able to spread further, so please obtain the latest local information from the related information website and news reports, etc. Please be careful.

 Also, when traveling abroad for study or traveling abroad, be sure to register with the "Tabiregister" conducted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA if you stay for more than 3 months). Check the necessary information as appropriate, and make appropriate decisions and actions based on the correct information. If you have symptoms such as coughing or fever when returning to Japan after studying abroad or traveling, please contact the COVID-19 Consultation Service (TEL: 083-250-7778) (9:00 to 17:00 daily) after self-reporting to the quarantine officer.

200213_Posted Covid-19 infection

 If you have any concerns about infection, please contact the Shimonoseki City University Student Support Group (TEL: 083-252-0289).

○Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA)
 ※"Tabi Cash Register" is an overseas travel registration system provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that allows you to receive emergency information from diplomatic missions abroad in case of emergency.

○Ministry of Foreign Affairs Overseas Safety Website

○Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare website

○Covid-19 that infects humans


                             [Date of publication: 2020.2.14]

 Shimonoseki City University Academic Affairs Group International Exchange Group
 TEL: 083-254-8693 / FAX: 083-252-8099