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Shimonoseki City University



#University events

Cancellation of the 59th entrance ceremony


 Shimonoseki City University has decided to cancel the 59th entrance ceremony, which was scheduled to be held at the University Gymnasium on April 6, 2020 (Monday).

 The university has carefully considered the entrance ceremony. However, as there were no signs of convergence with the spread of the COVID-19 infection in Japan and overseas, the decision was made to cancel the entrance ceremony, taking into account the enormous impact of the infected person.

 Considering the feelings of new students and their families who will be able to enter the school on a sunny day, but I would appreciate your understanding that we have made such a decision with the highest priority on ensuring the safety of everyone.

 In addition, the content of new semester events such as orientation and the start of classes will be changed or postponed. Detailed schedules will be announced on this site again, so please check it.

KAWANAMI Yoichi, President, Shimonoseki City University


[Date of publication: 2020.3.17]

  Public university corporation Shimonoseki City University
  General Affairs Group General Affairs Group
  TEL. 083-252-0288 / FAX. 083-253-1622