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Shimonoseki City University




Submission of enrollment report pertaining to the Japan Student Services Organization New System Benefit Scholarship (adopted in April and May 2020)

Recipients of the Japan Student Services Organization New Scholarship Scholarship (adopted in April and May) will be notified of the enrollment status and commuting form (commuting home or going out of home) using the "Responsibility Report". If you do not submit it, the payment of the scholarship scholarship will stop, so please be sure to complete the procedure before the deadline.

In addition, it is necessary to continue the certification procedure for tuition reduction and exemption in conjunction with the enrollment report. Please download the following application form pertaining to reduction of taxes and submit it by the deadline.
※We will also inform you by e-mail.

◆Procedures for Benefit Scholarship recipients◆
(New System for Higher Education Started in April 2020 April and May recruiters only)

 Procedure ➀Registration Report

[Report on Benefit Scholarship Report]
[Benefit Scholarship Report Leaflet]


Submission (input) Period: Monday, July 6, 2020 to Monday, July 27 2020 17:00 Strict adherence to


To submit your enrollment report, you need to register in advance with Scalanet Personal.
[Scalanet Personal Registration Method]

Procedure for continuing to certify tuition fees

Form 1 [Application for continuation of certification of tuition reduction under the Law Concerning Support for Study at Universities, etc.]
[Form 1 Example]

Form 2 [Application Form for Payment of Tuition Fees]
[Form 2 Example of Form 2]


Document submission deadline: Friday, August 28, 2020 17:00 Strict adherence to
※Print out Form 1.2 and submit it by the deadline after creation.


You will be required to postpone the payment of tuition until February 26, 2021 based on the application form for tuition payment in Form 2 above. As a result, tuition fees cannot be paid separately.


[Date of publication: 2020.7.3]

Public university corporation Shimonoseki City University
Academic Affairs Group Student Support Group Weekdays 8:30 to 17:15
TEL. 083-252‐0289 / FAX. 083-252-8099