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Shimonoseki City University




Continuing procedures for the Japan Student Services Organization Scholarship (loan / Benefits) and tuition reduction / exemption

I would like to inform you of the title as follows:
Please read and understand the following materials carefully, and be sure to complete the procedures by the deadline.

The "Scholarship Continuation Request" is a scholarship student who determines whether or not a scholarship is necessary in order to continue their studies and submits it.
If there is no submission (input) by the deadline, it is determined that there is no intention to continue and scholarship lending and payment will end this year.

If you decline a scholarship that is currently being loaned or paid, be sure to submit (enter) to confirm your intention.
In addition, recipients of scholarships must also continue to apply for tuition reduction. If you do not complete the procedure, the tuition reduction will be abolished.


1.Target person
 1st to 3rd grade students who are loaned or paid the Japan Student Services Organization scholarship (subjects will be notified separately by e-mail)

2.Regarding various submission deadlines and submissions
 (* Submissions and submission period differ depending on the scholarship and tuition reduction. Check each applicable item.
  Please be careful not to make a mistake.

◇◆Class 1 Scholarship (loan, interest-free)◆◇
Submission period: December 15, 2020 (Tuesday) to January 14, 2021 (Thursday) 17:00 Strict adherence to:
Submissions :Application for Continuing Scholarship (submitted by Scalanet Personal) 
◇◆Class 2 Scholarship (loan/interest-bearing)◆◇
Submission period: December 15, 2020 (Tuesday) to January 14, 2021 (Thursday) 17:00 Strict adherence to:
Submissions :Application for Continuing Scholarship (submitted by Scalanet Personal) 
◇◆Benefit Scholarship (new study support system)◆◇
Submission period: December 15, 2020 (Tuesday) to January 14, 2021 (Thursday) 17:00 Strict adherence to:
Submissions :Application for Continuing Benefit Scholarship (submitted by Scalanet Personal) 
◇◆Reduction of tuition (new study support system)◆◇
Submission period: January 18, 2021 (Monday) to February 15, 2021 (Monday) 17:00 strict adherence to 
Submission: ➀Application for continuation of certification of tuition reduction under the Law Concerning Support for Study at Universities
    ➁Confirmation report on the motivation of Gaku Osamu (we will send a form when it is time to submit)
    ➂Application form for tuition payment


3.Procedure documents (please check) 

Loan scholarship students (Please download and print out the materials here.) 

 ◆Scholarship continuation procedure
 ◆Japan Student Services Organization Eligibility Certification Explanation Materials (Point)
 ◆Procedures for submitting a “Scholarship Continuation Application”

Scholarship recipients (new system) ※Both scholarships and tuition reduction / exemptions (81) are required

 ≪Benefit Scholarship Procedures➀≫
 ◆About scholarship continuation procedure
 ◆Procedures for submitting the “Application for Continuing Benefit Scholarship” [New System]

 ≪Tuition fee reduction procedures➁≫
 ◆[Reduction of taxes] Eligibility certification procedure for tuition reduction
 ◆Confirmation of motivation to learn pertaining to the new study support system (qualified certification)

 If you do not continue, scholarships and tuition reductions will be abolished.
 It is your own responsibility for scholarships and tuition reduction procedures that are regularly conducted. As soon as possible with sufficient time limit
 Please complete the procedure.

[Date of publication: 2020.12.14]

Public university corporation Shimonoseki City University
Academic Affairs Group Student Support Group
TEL. 083-252‐0289 / FAX. 083-252-8099