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Shimonoseki City University



#Student support

Reporting and support when there is a possibility of infection with COVID-19 infection

 A year has passed since the spread of infection in COVID-19 infection. I would like to express my deep appreciation for the cooperation of the students to continue learning even in difficult situations, such as the announcement of the declaration of a state of emergency and the daily life while taking measures to prevent infection.
 Taking advantage of our experience over the past year, we are preparing for the new academic year. We will continue to make efforts to ensure the health and safety of our students and to maintain the quality of our educational activities. We appreciate your continued understanding and cooperation.

1.Reports on cases where COVID-19 infection is infected or suspected of being infected

 If a student suffers from COVID-19 infection, the university must promptly take measures to prevent the spread of infection according to the instructions of the health center under the Infectious Diseases Law.
 If you fall under any of the following 1 to 4, please report your health status as soon as possible. (* The URL of the Google Form will be sent by email.)
  Regarding the content of the report, personal information will be protected and this information will not be used for any other purpose. (* Reports can be made as many times as you want.)
  ①I got sick of COVID-19 infection. (The PCR test result was positive.)
  ②I took a PCR test.
  ③It was designated as close contact.
  ④COVID-19 infection, including symptoms such as fever and cough continue.   
   Is suspected of being infected with the disease. 

2.Inquiry counter

 Many people are worried and stressed due to the spread of infection in COVID-19 infection. Our university accepts student consultations at Consultation and Support Center. In addition, consultation desks and information sites of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare and local governments are listed below, so please feel free to use them.

[Shimonoseki City University Consultation and Support Center]

[Main Consultation Service and Information Sites]
 ■List of local government consultation desks
 ■Mental Health website for Everyone (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare)
 ■Covid-19 Mental Support Information (National Center for Psychiatry and Neurology)
 ■Are you worried or stress due to the epidemic in COVID-19?

3. Economic Support

 This section summarizes available support measures for financial support to students affected by COVID-19 infection. Please check it.

    [List of financial support for students affected by COVID-19 infection]
    [Student Support Measures Available to Students (as of January 29, 2021)] 

4.Requests for thorough infection control

 The number of young infected person is increasing nationwide. Although many young people progress asymptomatic or mild, there are also reports of severe illness and reports of severe illness and sequelae. Thorough basic infection control measures, avoid the "five scenes *" that increases the risk of infection, and take action once again during the spring break, and try to ensure that each person does not become infected and to infect others.

 Please cooperate with self-restraint when traveling outside the prefecture, especially in areas where the declaration of a state of emergency has been issued. If it is unavoidable to move out of the prefecture due to job hunting, etc., pay careful attention to the spread of infection in the area where you are moving and the information issued by the local government, and if you move, take thorough infection prevention measures. In addition, we ask that you continue your health observations during the class and continue to record your behavior history, such as when and where you dropped in.
 If you return home during the spring break, please come to the office two weeks before going to school in the spring semester as much as possible, and continue to observe your health and record your behavior history after coming to Japan.  
   ※"Five Scenes"…A large number of people, long-term eating and drinking, etc.   
            Conversation without a desk, communal living in a small space, cutting of whereabouts

   [Please use the COVID-19 contact confirmation application "COCOA". ]
                          [Date of publication: 2021.2.10]
                          [Renewal date: 2021.2.16]

Public university corporation Shimonoseki City University
Academic Affairs Group Student Support Group
TEL. 083-252‐0289 / FAX. 083-252-8099