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Shimonoseki City University



#General Managers

About the 60th entrance ceremony

 The 60th Shimonoseki City University Entrance Ceremony will be held as follows.

 To prevent the spread of COVID-19 infection, the ceremony was divided into morning and afternoon sessions.

The event will be held as follows. The highest priority is to ensure the safety of everyone.

Thank you very much for your understanding that we have made such a decision.

I'll raise it.

                        President KAWANAMI Yoichi, Shimonoseki City University


Date and time    Monday, April 5, 2021 [A. Morning] 10:00 Department of International Commerce Graduate School of Economics

                         Transfer students from all departments

                   [Afternoon Section] 14:00 Department of Economics Department of Public Management

                         Special Needs Education Vocational Course

Venue    The University Gymnasium

On the day, only new students and school officials will participate in the event.

     ・Parents and current students are not allowed to enter the university campus.

      The ceremony will be broadcast live on the university's website.

     ・On the day of the entrance ceremony, you will not be able to enter the university campus, so please use public transportation.

     ・The response is subject to change depending on the future situation.

      In that case, we will post it on this website.

                                   The above 


                  [Date of publication: 2021.3.23]

Public university corporation Shimonoseki City University
General Affairs Group General Affairs Group
TEL. 083-252-0288 / FAX. 083-253-1622