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Shimonoseki City University



#General Managers

Notice Concerning Appointment of Visiting Professor (Mr. Yuji Akabane)


Yuji Akabane, from Twitter

(From Yuji Akabane from Twitter)

Yuji Akabane, who is from Shimonoseki, one of Japan's leading management consultant and has been involved in many venture management support, to be invited as a visiting professor.

After graduating from the Faculty of Engineering, the University of Tokyo, Mr. Akabane worked for Komatsu Ltd. and worked for a master's degree at Stanford University, joined McKinsey & Company, where he was involved in consulting on management strategy planning for many companies. Was. Above all, the McKinsey Seoul Office was launched from scratch, engaged in management reform of the LG Group, and has been active globally, including supporting its progress. After retiring from McKinsey & Company, he has been involved in a wide range of activities, including supporting venture management, consulting on management reform to mid-tier enterprises and large corporations, holding many lectures and seminars on careers, and at the same time, as well as working as a member of the study group of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.

About 380,000 copies of his representative book, Zero Second Thinking (Daiyamondosha), has been published, and in addition, "Speed Solve All" (Daiyamondosha) and "McKinsey Style of Moving People" (cross Media Publishing), and has been featured in many media.

The purpose of our educational and research activities is to foster a well-balanced, highly educated professionals and to contribute to the development of local communities and the international community. In particular, Faculty of Economics Department of International Commerce aims to develop human resources who possess specialized knowledge and skills related to organizational management and commercial transactions, and who can practice them from a global perspective. Akabane's experience and thoughts on Mr. Akabane, who is active globally in fields such as management strategy and venture management, and I believe that opportunities to receive incense will lead to the growth of our students. We would like to provide valuable learning opportunities for our visiting professors, students, faculty and staff, and local people.  

[Date of publication: 2023.4.19]

Public university corporation Shimonoseki City University
General Affairs Department Personnel Division
TEL. 083-252-0288 / FAX. 083-252-8099