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Shimonoseki City University




Continuation procedures related to the Japan Student Services Organization Scholarship (loan / Benefits) and tuition reduction / exemption

This is an important procedure for continuing scholarships next year.
Please read the following materials carefully and understand the procedure well before completing the procedure by the deadline.

The "Scholarship Continuation Request" is a scholarship student who determines whether or not a scholarship is necessary in order to continue their studies and submits it. If the required procedures have not been completed by the deadline, it is determined that there is no intention to continue the scholarship, and as of this year, the loan scholarship will lose its qualification as a scholarship student (= “discontinued”). Will not be able to receive support.
In addition, scholarship students are required to continue the procedure for reducing tuition fees. If the required procedures have not been completed by the deadline, you will not be able to receive tuition reductions.

1.Target person(* sends an email to the target person)

 [Lending Scholarship] ・・ ・ 1st to 3rd graders who are transferring (including cases where the loan amount is 0 yen due to co-payment adjustment)
 [Benefit Scholarship] ・・ ・ 1st to 3rd grade students who are transferring, pending, suspended or suspended

2.Date and time, place of briefing session

 ? December 18, 2023 (Monday) 15:00-15:50  
 December Wednesday, December 20, 2023 15:00-15: 50:50  
 December Friday, December 22, 2023 12:10-13:00  

?・?: B-303 Classroom (3rd floor of Building B)
 ? :A-301 Classroom (3rd floor of Building A)

The content is the same, so please join us once.

3.Necessary procedures 

[Scholarships (Lending and Benefits)]

 ●Submit “Application for Continuing Scholarship” (submitted by Scalanet Personal)
   Submission period: December 18 (Monday) to January 15, 2024 (Monday) 17:00 Strict adherence to


[Reduction of tuition reduction (new system for study support for higher education)]

 ●Continuing procedure for certification of tuition reduction (submit application form to Student Support Division)
  ? Application Form for Continuing Certification of Students eligible for tuition reduction
  ? Application form for payment of tuition fees
   Submission period: December 18 (Monday) to January 15, 2024 (Monday) 17:00 Strict adherence to

  ? Confirmation report of willingness to Gaku Osamu A report separate form (can be entered from January 16)
   Submission period: January 15 (Monday) to February 14 (Wednesday), 2024 17:00 Strict adherence to

※Notes, etc.※

 ・Any disadvantages arising from the expiration of the procedure is at your own risk. In principle, we will not make a reminder.
 ・When attendees are concentrated, other dates may be announced.
 ・The briefing session will be held while ventilating, so please take measures to prevent the cold.
 ・If it overlaps with a class, give priority to the class.

[Date of publication: 2023.12.6]

Public university corporation Shimonoseki City University
Student Affairs Department Student Support Division
TEL. 083-252‐0289 / FAX. 083-252-8099