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Shimonoseki City University



#International exchange

[International Exchange Center] 2nd exchange students from Germany Let's learn about the world while staying in Japan! ! It will be held!

 Two international students visiting Shimonoseki City University will introduce themselves to Germany and their university, Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society, and the differences in education between Japan and Germany. He also talks about what he felt when he came to Japan at Shimonoseki City University.
 During the Q&A session, I also have time to talk with German international students.

Title: We came from Germany, the difference between Japan and Germany's education
Date and time: Wednesday, January 10, 2024 5th period 16: 30-18: 00
Location: ? -301 classroom
Participation? Fee: Free
Participation application: Google form??

[Date of publication: 2023.12.20]

Shimonoseki City University
International Exchange Center International Exchange Division
TEL. 083-254-8693 / FAX. 083-252-8099