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Study Abroad


Reduction of scholarships and tuition fees

Private-funded foreign students studying at Shimonoseki City University have a chance to receive various scholarships and a tuition reduction system, so you can concentrate on learning.

Scholarships (privately financed international students)

In addition to the Japan Student Services Organization, local governments, public interest corporations, etc. have established scholarship programs for undergraduate and graduate students. International Exchange Center provides the following information.
The application period may vary depending on the year. For more information, please refer to the website of each scholarship.
In principle, scholarships for undergraduate and graduate students can only apply for and receive scholarships for undergraduate and graduate students.

Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT);

1. Study incentives for International Students
(1) Amount Undergraduate students 48,000 yen / month x 12 months (April to March the following year)
48,000 yen/month x 12 months (April to March of the following March)
(2) Date of application Deadline for submission in early May (posted in April)
(3) Campus procedures Based on the application form and grades, interviews will be conducted on campus as necessary, and nominees will be determined.

2. International Student Study Encouragement Fee (Special Recruitment 6 months)
(1) Amount Undergraduate students 48,000 yen / month x 6 months (October to March next year)
Graduate school students 48,000 yen / month x 6 months (October to March next year)
(2) Date of application Submission deadline Late September (posted in early September)
(3) Campus procedures Based on the application form and grades, interviews will be conducted on campus as necessary, and nominees will be determined.
  • Applicants may vary depending on the application slot.
  • Special addition recruitment is not recruited every year.

Other scholarships

  1. Rotary Yoneyama Memorial Scholarship
  2. Heiwa Nakajima Foundation Scholarship
  3. Kyoritsu International Scholarship Foundation Scholarship
  4. Korea Scholarship Foundation
  5. SGH Foundation Scholarship
  6. Yosato International Scholarship Foundation
  7. Nitadori International Scholarship
  8. Japan-China Friendship Association Aliake Japan Scholarship
  9. Japan Taiwan Exchange Association Scholarship
  10. CWAJ Scholarship
  11. Japan International Education Support Association (JEES) Scholarship
  12. Government-sponsored international students
  13. Others (Japan Student Services Organization_Scholarship System provided by universities and local governments)

Reduction of tuition fees

Privately financed international students who have good academic performance and are expected to graduate or complete in the shortest enrollment period, and whose total income is less than the threshold specified separately, there is a system in which the amount equivalent to one half of the tuition fee is reduced.

Date of application

Deadline for submission of notices in mid-January
Late August deadline for submission in early July.

Application documents

  1. Application for reduction of taxes (Form No. 1 prescribed by our university)
  2. Proof of household composition (original) 1 copy  ※Students of Chinese nationals are limited to notary books.
  3. Income certificate (original) from January to December of the previous year  ※For all households
  4. You may be required to submit other documents deemed necessary by Chair.

Application method

Submit the required documents to Shimonoseki City University International Exchange Center by the deadline.

Notice of Determination of tuition reduction

We will notify you in writing in early April for the first semester.
We will notify you in writing at the beginning of October.

Payment deadline for tuition

April 26
Late October 26

If the tuition cannot be paid by the due date due to financial reasons or other unavoidable circumstances, it is also possible to apply for a partial payment or deferral of collection. However, it is necessary to adhere to the application period and submit the application documents. For more information, please contact the Shimonoseki City University Accounting Division or International Exchange Center.

Contact information

Public university corporation Shimonoseki City University
International Exchange Center International Exchange Division
〒751-8510 2-1-1, Daigakucho, Shimonoseki-shi, Yamaguchi
TEL.083-254-8693 / FAX.083-252-8099

Contact Address

International Exchange Division
Shimonoseki City University
2-1-1 Daigaku-cho,Shimonoseki,Yamaguchi
751-8510 Japan
TEL.+81-83-254-8693 / FAX.+81-83-252-8099
E-Mail.[email protected]