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Study Abroad

Voices of International Students

Kim Hans (an international student from Korea)

I think it ended very quickly. The fun time feels short, so I think I had a good study abroad life. Although Japan is a familiar place for me in Japan and Korea half, I was worried about living alone abroad. But thanks to the teachers and friends around me, I think I was able to finish studying abroad safely. In particular, the tutors helped me so much that I didn't have enough words of thanks. From various procedures, I helped each other's tasks and made takoyaki together. It was a really reliable tutor.
Later, I came to study abroad, I gained confidence in Japanese. Originally, I was worried because I was not confident in the conversation, but I was happy to practice conversation by talking with my teachers and friends in class, and to study respect and humble words that I was not good at.
It was a short period of six months of exchange study abroad, but I think that the experience, study, and memories that I can only do because I came to Japan will be an important thing that I cannot forget. I am grateful and sorry for the help of everyone around me when I came to Japan and helped me, but I am certain that it was a happy half year. I would definitely recommend it to students who are not sure about studying abroad. Finally, when the influence of COVID-19 subsides, Shimonoseki is near from my hometown of Busan, so I would like to come and see everyone again. Thank you very much.

How did you work hard while studying abroad?
Give a good impression as a Korean. Practice speaking well in Japanese.

What's the best thing about studying abroad?
I was able to meet many people. I was able to make a lot of memories.

What was the hard time studying abroad?
Procedure. It was hard until I got used to it because the system was different from Korea.

What was your friend's relationship while studying abroad?
I was glad that everyone got along regardless of gender or grade.

What should I experience while studying abroad?
A cultural experience that can only be done when studying abroad. In Japan, it's a festival.

How did you take while studying abroad?
There are many Japanese classes, followed by computer and sports classes.

A word to students at Shimonoseki City University!
It was fun and happy to get along well. All international students want friends, so please talk to them positively.

Mr. Imgan (an international student from Korea)

When I came to Japan, I was alone, so I was worried that I could understand my Japanese, and I was worried about my apartment contracts and so on. However, I was very relieved that Mr. Nishimura of International Exchange Center came to pick me up. Especially when quarantine due to corona, I really took care of you. Whenever it was difficult or difficult, Tutor and International Exchange Center helped me. Also, in Korea, I didn't have the opportunity to speak Japanese, so I wasn't confident in the conversation, but everyone spoke gently, and if there were words I didn't understand, and it was a great study. I understood the missing part of my Japanese language. I met my friends in Japan and learned the words of young people that I couldn't understand in Japanese culture or study. I made friends not only with Japanese students but also international students from various countries to teach and interact with each other's culture and language. When I came to study abroad, my gaze to see the world as well as Japanese studies.
It was fun to make good memories with people who came to Japan. It's lonely to go home in six months, but thank you all.

How did you work hard while studying abroad?
Exchange of Japanese students and international students from different countries. I went sightseeing in various places in Shimonoseki. I worked hard to get used to writing kanji.

What's the best thing about studying abroad?
Being able to talk to local people in Japanese with friends. I was taught the words of a young man that I didn't know during my study.

What was the hard time studying abroad?
Thanks to Mr. Tutor and International Exchange Center, it didn't work hard. It was nice to meet a good tutor.

What was your friend's relationship while studying abroad?
Everyone was kind and fun.

What should I experience while studying abroad?
Going to various places.

How did you take while studying abroad?
Japanese language classes, sports practice, computer utilization

A word to students at Shimonoseki City University!
Everyone was fine and I'm fine.

Im lily (international student from Korea)

When I came to study abroad from Korea, I set my goal to make a lot of Japanese friends. First of all, I would like to thank the many friends for fulfilling that goal. I think that the fact that I was able to make many friends is that the existence of circle activities is large. After joining the Rubber Baseball Club, I tried to actively appeal to myself. Also, by starting a part-time job and working hard together, I think that I was able to build a lot of friendship by having friends who became friends introduce new friends. I think that not only listening to Japanese classes, but also taking classes that Japanese actually take, such as sports practice, has broadened friendships. Furthermore, it was one of the reasons why I made a lot of friends who were interested in Korea became interested in me as a Korean.
Studying abroad for a year was a fulfilling time not only to study languages, but also to have a lot of experiences and make memories. On weekends, I went to Karato-ichiba to eat sushi, climbed Mt. Hino-yama to enjoy the night view of Kanmon Straits, and went to Kokura by train to buy fashionable clothes. I think that a lot of time with this precious friend will continue to remain in my heart as a study abroad life at Shimonoseki City University, which I will never forget. Finally, I would like to thank the teachers of International Exchange Center for their great help in studying abroad. From big to small problems, I kindly listened to the story and helped me solve it. As I lived apart from my family, International Exchange Center made me feel warm like a family. It was the only place to feel safe when I was anxious. I will definitely return to Shimonoseki to meet my family and my precious friends. Everyone, stay healthy until the next time we meet! Bye!

How did you work hard while studying abroad?
Studying Japanese, making friends, club activities (rubber baseball club), part-time job.

What's the best thing about studying abroad?
I was able to make a lot of Japanese friends and meet the tuter Kika.

What was the hard time studying abroad?
Construction of living expenses, test.

What was your friend's relationship while studying abroad?
I was able to get along with a lot of people.

What should I experience while studying abroad?
Travel, part-time job.

How did you take while studying abroad?
Japanese language classes, computer use, sports practice.

A word to students at Shimonoseki City University!
Thank you very much for your help. I'll come back. At that time, play with lilies again. Bye! !

Mr. Ichebin (an international student from Korea)

I dreamed of studying abroad in Japan, but when I decided to study abroad, I became a little scared to live in Japan alone. I thought about giving up many times, but I always wanted to study in Japan, so I always wanted to study in Japan, so I was prepared to prepare. The moment I arrived in Japan by plane alone, I wasn't alone. There was a friend of a tutor who came to Fukuoka Airport. At that moment, my heart calmed down. When I arrived at Shimonoseki City University by taxi, International Exchange Center teachers helped me to adapt well. I also met other international students and made friends while taking part inInternational Exchange Center. During my study abroad, I was able to make many such important ties. Thanks to you, I had a lot of experiences in Shimonoseki and in Japan. Everything I was so happy that everything I was worried before I came to study abroad. All the classes I took at Shimonoseki City University also helped me. Through the classes of Culture A, I learned a lot about Shimonoseki and the history of Japan, and through a variety of Japanese language classes, I developed my Japanese skills, one of the objectives I came to study in Japan. It was a good opportunity to develop as a student at Shimonoseki City University while taking various classes such as culture, sports, and computer as well as Japanese language classes.
During my six months of study abroad, I had many international friends, tutor friends and International Exchange Center teachers. I was all thanks to their help that I was able to finish studying abroad safely. Thank you very much for making my precious experience, memories and connections for me. We value memories of studying abroad at Shimonoseki City University!

How did you work hard while studying abroad?
It was my first time to listen to all classes in Japanese except for Japanese classes, so he seemed to have worked hard to understand and participate in the class. I also worked hard to do a variety of activities that can only be experienced in Japan.

What's the best thing about studying abroad?
After all, I think it was the best experience to make many Japanese friends. In addition to the tutor's friends, you can participate in a circle to make friends, meet various friends during class, go to cafes with friends, go to play, etc. It was a very good experience to try it.

What was the hard time studying abroad?
I was worried when I had to make a contract for important documents, such as resident registration, health insurance application, or other important documents. However, International Exchange Center teachers kindly taught me and helped me to solve the problem. Also, I'm really grateful to have a lot of tutor friends to help me.

What was your friend's relationship while studying abroad?
I made a lot of really important friends while studying abroad. The best thing about when I came to study abroad is that I made many good friends. All exchange students are kind, kind and good friends, so I think I'm very lucky to be able to make this kind of connection. Also, my tutor friends and other Japanese friends are very kind and warm, so I think I was very happy during my study abroad period.

What should I experience while studying abroad?
If you come to Japan, I think it's better to travel around Japan to see the unique cultures and cultural properties that can only be experienced in Japan. I couldn't go to many Japanese regions during the short exchange period of six months, but the destinations I went with my friends and the culture I experienced with them will remain as important memories that will never be forgotten for many years. So, while you're in Japan, I think it's a good idea to go out to various areas and experience various things.

How did you take while studying abroad?
I took a variety of classes as well as Japanese classes, such as culture A, computer, sports, Japanese C, Japanese affairs, and Japanese language training. Through cultural classes, I was able to learn about Shimonoseki's history and culture, and through sports classes, I was able to play sports that I had never been done in Korea. In addition, it was an opportunity to improve Japanese skills through Japanese classes.

A word to students at Shimonoseki City University!
Hello. My name is Ichebin of the Faculty of Japanese Language and Creative Integration, Busan University of Foreign Studies. For 6 months, I took a class with you as a special auditor at Shimonoseki City University. Perhaps some people took classes together, and some people couldn't meet because they didn't have the opportunity. I think the people of Shimonoseki City University are kind and warm. That's why everyone gave me a warm experience. I'm really happy to be here to study abroad. It was a short period of six months, but it was really fun to spend together, and I will go to play again! Thank you very much.

Ms. Fuyufu (International Student from China)

Seeing is only a glance, so please come to Shimonoseki City University!

Before I came to Japan, I worked for a thermoelectric company in Bo, China for two years. When I came to my sister living in Japan for the first time, I was surprised to see the elaborate products and beautiful scenery of Japan, so I decided to study in Japan.
Now that I am studying abroad, I am balancing my part-time job and studying. During the part-time job, I was able to learn how to work seriously and store management while accumulating experience. When I took college exams, there were times when I thought I was definitely tired from studying abroad or entrance exams. However, now through my university life, I am able to meet people from various countries, and enjoy a fulfilling university life while enjoying the fun of international exchange.
At Shimonoseki City University, the distance between students is short. You can study not only during class, but also with people from various countries in the library's study room. In addition to your specialized knowledge, you can improve your language skills while understanding the differences between countries and cultures of countries.
Shimonoseki City has a close connection with Kitakyusyu as an important part of the Kanmon metropolitan area, making life convenient. This is a town where you can enjoy the beautiful sea while eating delicious food, and it is very easy to live.
I took the exam at Shimonoseki City University and dropped once, but while having a strong dream of coming to this university, I tried again and fulfilled my dream. Youth has a time limit. Please try what you want to do without regret by the time it expires.

Ali Department of International Commerce (international student from Pakistan)

"Speaking of Shimonoseki, it's a pufferfish!" "No, no! Shimonoseki is shark!'

This is my third year since I came to Shimonoseki. Looking back, I've learned a lot from Shimonoseki City, the people who live here, and the unique culture that takes root. I think that now, who has studied at Shimonoseki City University has a better growth than myself who grew up through studying at an urban university. Because it is Shimonoseki, there are many activities to protect local culture, and there are many events that try to bring out charm. Festivals such as the Shimonoseki Strait Festival, Genpei Festival, and Maguan Festival attract Shimonoseki, talk about the deep history and think it is very interesting, so I go to see it every year! Japanese history is very interesting.…However, it's difficult! I thought it was me, but just by participating in such festivals and events little by little, I became able to understand nature. It's fun and very interesting.
History is not only attractive, but there are many natural sightseeing spots, so I think people who like sightseeing are very satisfied. And finally, puffer fish! We recommend that you come to Shimonoseki and eat it once, as you do not know its deliciousness unless you eat Shimonoseki Fuku. Seeing such fun events, everyday life, and people trying to spread the world while protecting Shimonoseki's culture and spreading it to the world, I found what I wanted to do. I'm sure you'll find it!

Professor of International Commerce and Industry (International student from Korea)

A university that is small but has everything you need and can grow steadily.

I majored in the Japanese language department at a university in Korea, but when I went to a Japanese language school after serving as a military service and returned to university, I was surprised at the fact that there were many students who could not read katakana and kanji. After consulting with my teacher, I decided to study abroad in Japan with the help. I was worried that I could keep up with Japanese life and classes, but the problem was solved because the curriculum that allows me to learn the Japanese necessary in class and other international students. In addition, although the university is small in size, it is an environment where there are many opportunities to get acquainted with each other and make friends.
Regarding the student's consciousness, when I talked about employment with a student in the next seat in a career design class I took for the second year, I had already met a company every week as a measure for employment and obtained qualifications. I'm thinking about what I need. " I was appalled to hear that, "I'm thinking firmly about my future." I was not motivated, and I was inspired by a lot in my study abroad life, and I was able to spare no effort to set goals and practice it. Now I am seriously thinking about my future, I am working as an international student tutor to support and inspire my juniors.

Mr. Yimrin King (international student from China)

What I want to convey to people who are thinking about going to Shimonoseki City University

Since Shimonoseki City University is a university with only Faculty of Economics, it is easy for teachers and students to deepen their relationship. In addition, classes are substantial, and you can learn a wide range of topics such as management strategy, marketing, trade, etc. In addition, above all, the employment rate is high. I think it's very attractive.
After experiencing the actual study abroad life, I thought "good!" Was one-to-one "international student tutor system". At City University, there is a system in which one international student tuter is attached to each student. You can support everything from studying at university to everyday life. When I was living alone for the first time, when I was in trouble, there was a person who could consult immediately and was very helpful. At that time, my international student tutor was Japanese, so thanks to my usual exchange, my Japanese conversation skills improved.
Another thing I thought "good!" was International Exchange Center on campus. Every year, City University has international students from various countries such as China, Korea, Vietnam, the United States, Germany, and Turkey. International Exchange Center employees are close to each of these international students. I was very relieved to be able to always respond kindly when I had trouble or anxiety. You can also participate in local activities and international events through International Exchange Center. Thanks to this, I have more opportunities to experience not only about Japan but also the culture of other countries.
In addition, there is a system to assist the examination fee when taking the qualification examination, so that the burden on students can be reduced and concentrated on studying. There are a wide variety of circles and club activities, and there are many circles that welcome international students. There are many international students who live a fulfilling university life while balancing study and circle.
In this way, Shimonoseki City University is a friendly and safe university for international students. If you are not sure about studying abroad in Japan, please consider Shimonoseki City University.

Contact information

Public university corporation Shimonoseki City University
International Exchange Center International Exchange Division
〒751-8510 2-1-1, Daigakucho, Shimonoseki-shi, Yamaguchi
TEL.083-254-8693 / FAX.083-252-8099

Contact Address

International Exchange Division
Shimonoseki City University
2-1-1 Daigaku-cho,Shimonoseki,Yamaguchi
751-8510 Japan
TEL.+81-83-254-8693 / FAX.+81-83-252-8099
E-Mail.[email protected]