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Shimonoseki City University




The 6th Whale Reference Room Symposium was held.

 On October 19, 2013 (Saturday), the 6th Whale Reference Room Symposium The Front Line of Whale Research-From Dolphins to Large Whales-" was held in the large conference room on the 5th floor of Shimonoseki City University Main Building II. . There were research reports from three lecturers invited from outside the university, and about 50 people participated. After the meeting, there was a lively question-and-answer session, and it was a fruitful symposium. Mr. So Ishikawa, General Manager of the Whale Laboratory, Shimonoseki Marine Science Academy, served as moderator.

 In the research report, Professor Masao Amano of the Graduate School of Fisheries and Environmental Sciences, Nagasaki University gave a presentation on the ecology of whales, entitled "Firmal Research and Results of Wild Whale". In addition, Koji Matsuoka, Director of the Observation and Research Department of Research and Research Department of the Japan Whale Research Institute, and Riki Tamura, Director of Marine Ecosystem Laboratory, Research Department, gave presentations based on data obtained from actual riding on the research vessel, and participants listened enthusiastically to the latest research reports.

Graduate School of Fisheries and Environmental Sciences, Nagasaki University
Prof. Masao Amano
Observation and Research Department, Japan Whale Research Institute
Mr. Koji Matsuoka General Manager
Marine Ecosystem Laboratory, Research and Research Department, Japan Whale Research Institute
Riki Tamura General Manager

Whale Laboratory, Shimonoseki Marine Science Academy
Director Soshi Ishikawa
Shimonoseki City University, who gave a greeting
President Naoki Yoshizu
Q&A session

[Date of publication: 2013.10.23]

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