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Shimonoseki City University




The 7th Whale Reference Room Symposium: Following the Whale Industry in Shimonoseki-Public Interview focusing on the Age of Commercial Whaling-

On October 18, 2014 (Saturday), at the Shimonoseki City University Main Building I-206 classroom, the 7th Whale Reference Room Symposium: Following the Whale Industry of Shimonoseki City University Main Building I-206 classroom.

In the first part, entitled "Ocean Fishery and Shimonoseki Seen from the Ocean Whales," Toshiyuki Satake, a teacher at Shimonoseki Municipal Ikuno Elementary School, reported on ocean fisheries and Shimonoseki from the perspective of professional baseball. In addition, Mr. Mitsuhiro Kishimoto, a commissioned researcher at the Regional Co-creation Center, Shimonoseki City University, reported on "Shimonoseki Whale Industry Seen from Data", and looked back on the past based on detailed data.

In the second part, a panel discussion was held with Umeo Tsuneoka, former factory manager of Hayashikan Sangyo Co., Ltd., Masatake Taga, a former engineer of Hayashikan Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., and Junko Kojima, manager of Shimonoseki Whale Museum. We had public hearing while having.
From their respective professional standpoints, they talked about their passion for whales and whaling while looking back on the era of commercial whaling.
Approximately 50 participants listened enthusiastically, and it was a fruitful symposium.

[Date of publication: 2014.10.21]

Regional Co-creation Center attached to Shimonoseki City University
TEL. 083-254-8613 / FAX. 083-253-1622