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- 2016 Kanmon Regional Joint Study Group Results Report Meeting was held.
Shimonoseki City University
#Kanmon Regional Joint Research2016 Kanmon Regional Joint Study Group Results Report Meeting was held.
On May 16th, at the Strait Messe Shimonoseki 801 Conference Room, the “Kanmon Regional Joint Study Group Results Report Meeting” was held jointly by the Kitakyusyu City University Regional Strategic Research Institute and the University of Regional Co-creation Center.
After opening remarks by Toshimitsu Nanba, Director of the Regional Co-creation Center attached to Shimonoseki City University, Associate Professor Kazuhisa Miyashita, Professor Akira Uchida, Professor Hiroshi Minami, former Professor Kenji Kimura, and Professor Toshimitsu Nanba presented their research results.
As a second part, a mini-symposium was held entitled "Regional Revitalization and Kanmon Sightseeing-Possibility of Inbound". We discussed how to create something that meets the needs of tourists and create an area where interest could be created together, and received lively opinions from the venue. . Finally, Mr. Masato Yanai, Vice President of Kitakyusyu City University and Director of Urban Policy Research Institute, closed the meeting.
<Part 1, 2015 Research Report>
1) Research on the operation and use of Kitakyushu Airport in the Kanmon area
Kazuhisa Miyashita (Associate Professor, Institute for Regional Strategy, Kitakyusyu City University)
2) Usage status of Kitakyushu Airport from Shimonoseki City and issues for promoting use
-Based on the results of a questionnaire survey on companies in Shimonoseki City-
Akira Uchida (Professor, Institute for Regional Strategy, Kitakyusyu City University)
3) Current status and issues of tourism in the Kanmon area - Focusing on the awareness of residents outside the area-
Hiroshi Minami (Professor, Institute for Regional Strategy, Kitakyusyu City University)
4) Tourism of historical heritage in the Kanmon area-Focusing on Suzuki Shoten-affiliated companies-
Kenji Kimura (former Professor, Faculty of Economics, Shimonoseki City University)
5) Impact of local government boundaries on tourism measures against impeding factors on private companies
Toshimitsu Nanba (Professor, Faculty of Economics, Shimonoseki City University)
<Part 2 Mini Symposium>
Theme "Regional Revitalization and Kanmon Sightseeing - Possibility of Inbound"
Yuichi Kurushima (Certified Public Accountant, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu LLC)
Shozo Miyazaki (Kitakyushu Industrial Economic Affairs Bureau Tourism and Lively Department Manager, Customer Attraction Exchange Section)
Ryoji Fujiwara (Director, Tourism Policy Division, Shimonoseki City Tourism Exchange Department)
Masato Yanai (Vice President, Kitakyusyu City University and Director, Regional Strategy Research Institute)
Toshimitsu Nanba (Director, Regional Co-creation Center attached to Shimonoseki City University)
- Report by Dr. Kazuhisa Miyashita
- Report by Dr. Akira Uchida
- Report by Dr. Hiroshi Minami
- Report by Dr. Kenji Kimura
- Report by Dr. Toshimitsu Nanba
- Speakers of the Symposium
- The venue
- Closing remarks by Director Masato Yanai
[Publishing date: 2016.5.18]
Contact information
Shimonoseki City University Regional Co-creation Center
TEL. 083-254-8613 / FAX. 083-253-1622
E-mail. [email protected]