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- We held the second co-creation salon in 2016.
Shimonoseki City University
#Co-creation salonWe held the second co-creation salon in 2016.
The 2nd co-creation salon was held on June 15 (Wednesday) at the main building II-301 classroom of the University.
In the second session, Professor Nagaizumi and Visiting Researcher Lee Yang, who were appointed to the University in April of this year, reported on the report. "Yojiro Ishizaka and its Literature: Exploring and Transforming from pure literature to popular literature," and Lee, a visiting researcher, reported on the theme of "Supervising Government Investment: Comparing the Government of China and the Government of Japan."
The co-creation salon in 2016 is also scheduled to be held twice. If you could not come this time, please feel free to come next time.
- Report by Specially Appointed Professor
- Discussion by Professor Nobuhiko Aihara
- Discussion with citizens
- Report by visiting researcher Lee Yang Yang
- Discussion by Associate Professor Shintaro Nakagawa
- The venue
[Publishing date: 2016.6.17]
Contact information
Shimonoseki City University Regional Co-creation Center
TEL. 083-254-8613 / FAX. 083-253-1622
E-mail. [email protected]