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- The 9th Whale Archives Symposium was held.
Shimonoseki City University
#SymposiumThe 9th Whale Archives Symposium was held.
On January 28, 2017 (Saturday), the 9th Whale Reference Room Symposium "Chubu Family Material: South Ice Whaling and Whaling Through the Nisshin Maru Volume Map and the Past, Present and Future of Whaling Mother Ships" was held at the main building I-206 of Shimonoseki City University.
In Part 1, entitled "Past, Present, and Future of Survey Whaling Mother Ships", Mr. Sou Ishikawa, Director of the Whale Research Laboratory, Shimonoseki Academy of Marine Science and Technology, reported based on his experience of boarding Nisshin Maru. Mitsuhiro Kishimoto, a researcher at Shimonoseki City University's Regional Co-creation Center, gave a report on the first Nisshin Maru, which was built before the war, based on the analysis of materials donated to TUFS, entitled "What can be seen from the Chubu Family Materials and Nisshin Maru Volume Map".
In Part 2, a panel discussion was held with Mr. Eiji Mori, President and CEO of Kyodo Shipping Co., Ltd., added to the above two people. After organizing the situation and issues of the aging Nisshin Maru, we discussed the future whaling and whale food culture while observing the future prospects for the construction of a new whaling mother ship.
Approximately 60 participants were listening eagerly, and it was a fruitful symposium.
- Mr. Sou Ishikawa
- Mr. Mitsuhiro Kishimoto
- Mr. Eiji Mori
- Yoichi Kawanami, President of Shimonoseki City University
- Mr. Takafumi Matsumoto, Director of Archive Division, Regional Co-creation Center, Shimonoseki City University
- Q&A session
[Publishing date: 2017.1.31]
Contact information
Shimonoseki City University Regional Co-creation Center
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