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Shimonoseki City University



#Citizen's University

2017 Citizen's University theme lecture "Various issues related to the evolution of established brands-based on Shimonoseki Fugu and Akada Tomatoes-"

 13: 30-15:45 On November 11, 2017 (Sat.) 13: 30-15: 45 Theme Course on the 2nd floor of the Main Building of the University of Tokyo was held at the I-206 on the 2nd floor of the main building of the university.

 Taking into account the case of Shimonoseki pufferfish and Akada tomato, which represent Shimonoseki, three instructors first reported from the viewpoint of what is necessary to further evolve products that have already succeeded in establishing a brand to a certain extent. Was.

― Reports ―
[Various issues related to the Shimonoseki Fugu brand]
 Hiroji Yokoyama (Professor, Shimonoseki City University)

[Technical transition of troughfish cultivation and issues of branding]
 Mr. Yoshihiro Yanagawa (former General Manager, Active Pharmaceuticals Department, Kyu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.) 

[Akada Tomato Brand Issues]
 Mr. Hideaki Emoto (Chairman, Akada Facility Division)

 Everyone listened enthusiastically to very interesting reports based on the field and its technology. After a break, Mr. Rei Nakamizo (Reporter Minato Yamaguchi Godo Shimbun Co., Ltd.) and Mr. Yoshiharu Shiratake (Professor, Faculty of Agriculture, Saga University) gave opinions and suggestions on puffer fish and tomatoes, and then Hidetsugu Hamada (Shimonoseki City University) A general discussion was held with the coordinator of the Center. Many citizens participated in the course, and the curtain was closed successfully, with a high level of interest in the brand from Shimonoseki.




[Date of publication: 2017.11.14]

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