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Shimonoseki City University



#Community Activities

After-sales follow-up for youth "will" meeting.

 Sato (Yu) on Tuesday, September 25 as an after-sales follow-up of the “Youth“ Aspiration ”meeting” (the name of this year is “Yamaguchi Miraishinjuku”), a 2017-related event hosted by Yamaguchi Prefecture last year. ) Two students from the seminar visited Data Cubic Co., Ltd. and exchanged opinions.

 The youth “will” meeting was to think about ideas for solving local issues facing Yamaguchi Prefecture. The students thought that there were many good companies in Yamaguchi Prefecture, but that information was not fully communicated and that it did not lead to population retention. As a solution, we proposed the idea of creating a mechanism and organization that uses AI (artificial intelligence) and apps called "local information trading company" to gather information on students and local companies and create a matching mechanism and organization. Data Cubic Co., Ltd., which was visited, is a group company of Yamaguchi Financial Group, Inc. that provides support for problems faced by local businesses through data analysis and AI utilization. I invited this time because it would be helpful to students' ideas and to refer to the opinions of the students (coordined with YMFG ZONE Planning).

 Through visits and exchanges of opinions, the students seemed to be interested in companies that seek contact with the local community through information and technology (and the bank with that company under its umbrella). In addition, although there were similarities, they seemed to feel the roughness of their ideas in terms of feasibility, such as data collection. Tsuyoshi Tokuhisa, General Manager of the Information Utilization Division of Data Cubic Co., Ltd., said, "The opinions that came out through my own experience, such as job hunting, were interesting and helpful." Students will come to society in the future, but I hope that they will gain strength (knowledge, skills, and personal connections) through their work and be able to shape ideas little by little.

Yuya Sato (Associate Professor, Basic Education and Liberal Arts Education)