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Shimonoseki City University



#Community Activities

Shimonoseki City University Circle "Japan Heritage Exploration Q Meeting" participated in a community improvement event on Rokure Island in Shimonoseki City.

 On November 3, 2018 (Saturday), 11 members of the Shimonoseki City University Japan Heritage Exploration Q Society, 4 first-year students who wished from the basic exercise in charge of the advisor, and 1 university faculty member of the circle advisor participated in community development-related events held in the Rokure Islands and helped.
 First of all, in the morning, the unveiling ceremony of an information board (installation) sponsored by the Moji Coast Guard, explaining that the Rokure Islands Lighthouse is one of the cultural properties of the Japanese heritage "Kanmon" Nostalgic Strait "". There was a ceremony. As one of the members of the Kanmon Straits Japan Heritage Council, he participated in the unveiling ceremony as one of the guests. Other members of the circle saw the brave figure, and also toured the lighthouse, which was open to the public for the first time in six years.
 For lunch, the women's club of the residents' association made hijiki rice, and everyone enjoyed it. Sazae pot grilling was also delicious for the students and I had it. Thank you very much for your meal.
 From 1:00 pm, there was a concert by a citizen choir held at the request of the Rokureshima Residents' Association at the fishing village center in front of the port, and many tourists participated. At the same time, the Japan Heritage Exploration Q Meeting, we thought about whether we could help or do something, and did the following.
 From 2:30 pm, we were divided into a carta tournament group and a Shimauchi walking group. First of all, after the concert, the Carta Tournament Group held a carta tournament on the same floor with the "Kanmon" Nostalgic "Strait Carta" (downloadable from the following website), which is hand-made by circle members. A lot of children on the island came and it was very exciting, and in response to the encore, we played up to the third round. The students were pleased to see what they made and enjoyed playing.
 The Shimauchi walking group called on tourists, such asbasalt, Hana House, Saikyoji, and Rokurejima Hachimangu Shrine in just one hour. One of the tour participants gave me a thank-you note that the student guidance was kind and fun. The students seemed relieved to be able to guide them without hesitation.
 The staff of the Shimonoseki City Board of Education Cultural Property Protection Division also participated this time, and the guide map of the Roku Islands completed in the summer in the circle, "Shimonoseki" Growth "Tale Vol.2-I want to convey the charm of Roku Islands! From a university student's point of view, the good days of the island ~ "was made a panel for this day and exhibited it in front of the fishing village center. Thank you very much. This map is proposed by the chairman of the Rokuretsu Islands Self-Government, and has been printed in color at the waiting area of Takezaki Port and the waiting area of Rokurejima Port on the mainland side of Shimonoseki. The map summarizing the "thing things" and the charm of the area while students researching and fieldwork on their own, is something useful for tourists visiting the port and residents of the island. It seems a little proud and happy.
 Behind the map panel, we also posted more than a dozen posters created by the students. These students have visited the island many times so far, picked up from the photos they took each time, shared them with some people, and each photo contains the words that each student thought of. Whatever I say as a teacher, the photos, and the words attached are wonderful that make use of the fresh sense of young students. These posters will be re-posted on the second floor wall of the fishing village center because the members of the Rokure Islands Residents' Association, and will continue to post them for a while.
 In addition, four first-year students who wished from the basic exercise of our university who visited the island for the first time also walked on the island with the guidance of the circle members and enjoyed touching on some of the charms of the Rokure Islands. I think the number of fans of the Rokure Islands has increased a little more.
 On the way back, the residents' association gave many wonderful flowers to the circle members again this time. The students once again touched the kindness of the islanders and said, "I loved the Rokure Islands!" "The more I go, the more I want to go!" It's a wonderful island that seems to be.
 I was very grateful to the people of the Riku Islands through the survey and fieldwork. Thanks to you, the students of the circle were able to learn from the islanders that they could never learn at the university alone, and had a fun and valuable experience. Thank you very much to the islanders.
 In addition, a part of what the students felt through this Rokure Islands fieldwork is described on the website of the Japan Heritage Exploration Q Society (November 5, 2018, "I participated in the Rokure Islands Concert!" I'm introducing it. Please take a look at it (https://shidai-nikkyu.amebaownd.com/posts/5129328).

(Department of Public Management, Professor MIZUTANI Riaki)