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- This year's 3rd Open Campus
Shimonoseki City University
#Open campusThis year's 3rd Open Campus
On September 29, 2019 (Sunday), the third open campus was held this year.
In "Overall Explanation", Professor Yabuchi, the chairman of the entrance examination, explained the characteristics of each department, employment status, and details of the entrance examination.
"What kind of person is Eiichi Shibusawa, the face of the next 10,000 yen bill?" In the mock lecture entitled "Shibusawa's personality and achievements, as well as his upbringing to his relationship with Shimonoseki, Lecturer Hitoshin Sanshina, School of International Commerce, explained in an easy-to-understand manner.
Associate Professor Yamamoto, Vice Chair of the entrance examination, was in charge of the popular "Essay Countermeasures Course", and when explaining the main points of the essay examination, the participants were eager to take notes.
In addition, "On-campus facility tour" and "Let's talk with City University students!" The exchange with students was very popular.
This year, through August and September, more people participated than ever before. We are waiting for you to prepare a fulfilling content next year.
- Drinks are distributed at the reception.
- Overview
- Moderator and Broadcasting Department
- Mock lecture
- Individual consultation
- Essay Countermeasures Course
- On-campus facility tour
- Let's talk with City University students!
- Student staff
[Publishing date: 2019.10.8]
Contact information Public university corporation Shimonoseki City University
Academic Affairs Group Entrance Examination Team
TEL. 083-254-8611 / FAX. 083-254-8611 (direct)