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- The 2nd co-creation salon was held in FY2019.
Shimonoseki City University
#Co-creation salonThe 2nd co-creation salon was held in FY2019.
On December 18 (Wednesday), the 2nd co-creation salon was held in classroom II-301 of the main building of the university in 2019.
The second session was attended by Associate Professor Kako Tabuki and Project Professor Junko Fukumoto, who arrived at NAIST in April this year. Associate Professor Tabuki reported on the theme of "The Things It Carried by Tim O'Brien," and Professor Fukumoto reported on the theme of "Sustainability of Small Hydropower in Rural Areas: Rural Small Hydropower in Hiroshima Prefecture." There were various questions and opinions from the participants, and it was a fulfilling time.
- Associate Professor Kako Tabuki
- Junko Fukumoto Specially Appointed Teacher
- The venue
[Publishing date: 2019.12.20]
Contact information
Shimonoseki City University Regional Co-creation Center
TEL. 083-254-8613 / FAX. 083-253-1622
E-mail. [email protected]