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- The 2020 Regional Co-creation (Industry-Government-Academia) Research Report Meeting was held online.
Shimonoseki City University
#Regional co-creationThe 2020 Regional Co-creation (Industry-Government-Academia) Research Report Meeting was held online.
On October 9 (Fri), the 2020 Regional Co-creation (Industry-Government-Academia) Research Report Meeting was held online.
Based on regional co-creation research and industry-government-academia research conducted in fiscal 2019, Professor Toshimitsu Nanba of Department of Economics Faculty of Economics gave a research report on the themes of "town development utilizing sake brewing" and "research on factors for leaving nursing and nursing care workers." In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, unlike the usual face-to-face briefing session, the event was held online using Zoom, but it was a very fulfilling time for citizens interested in the theme to participate.
Shimonoseki City University has been conducting regional co-creation research (industry-government-academia research since last fiscal year) as a research in line with local issues. The results are returned to the community by posting papers in the “Regional Co-creation Center Annual Report” (September this year). Each paper in the Annual Report of the Regional Co-creation Center can be viewed retroactively from the Yamaguchi University Joint Repository "Ishin".
Yamaguchi University Joint Repository "Ishin" Regional Co-creation Center Annual Report page
※As of October 15, "Ishin" is under maintenance and cannot be viewed.
- Professor Toshimitsu Nanba Online Reporting Session
- I am reporting using Zoom.
[Publishing date: 2020.10.15]
Contact information
Shimonoseki City University Regional Co-creation Center
TEL. 083-254-8613 / FAX. 083-253-1622
E-mail. [email protected]