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Shimonoseki City University



#Community Activities

Candidate for the mock mayoral election

On December 14, three students from Okayama University participated in the "Simulation Mayoral Election" held at Shimonoseki International High School.

This mock election was a project sponsored by the Shimonoseki City Election Administration Committee aimed at improving the turnout of young people. Ayaka Ishida, Shiori Fukunaga, and Akane Hoshino (all three years in Department of Economics), who participated as mayor candidates, asked the candidate role because they investigated through the city election when writing a sweepstakes essay on the theme of elections. Based on the given theme, the three made commitments as the mayor, such as corona measures and welfare.

On the day, in front of about 80 third-year high school students, three mayor candidates announced their commitments, and then high school students voted using a real ballot box. When the voting was over, the votes were cast immediately and the voting results were announced.

They said that they would like to further enhance the content after incorporating this experience into the paper.

[Date of publication: 2020.12.23]

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