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Shimonoseki City University



#Open Lecture

Open Lecture “Thinking about GDP (Gross Domestic Product)” has been launched.

 On November 9th (Tuesday), a public university open lecture "Thinking about GDP (Gross Domestic Product)-Is it a monosashi measuring the" goodness (richness) "of society?" Was opened online.

 Professor ISOGAI Akinori of Faculty of Economics University explained what GDP (Gross Domestic Product) are and whether it can be said to measure the "goodness" and "richness" of society. If there are indicators that can be substituted for GDP, I have also explained specifically what it is. Based on the materials distributed in advance, lectures were given with examples. The lecture was held online using Zoom, and the students listened very enthusiastically. It was very fruitful, with not only speaking unilaterally, but also having time for questions and answers.

 The open lecture in 2021 will be the last of this course. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all of this year's courses were held online. I think that everyone who took the course had a different experience from the face-to-face course. I don't know what it will take next year, but we plan to hold an open lecture. When the time comes, we will inform you on our website, etc., so we look forward to your participation.


[Date of publication: 2021.11.10]

Shimonoseki City University Urban Mirai Creation Strategic Organization (Regional Cooperation Division)
TEL. 083-254-8613 / FAX. 083-253-1622
E-mail. [email protected]