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Shimonoseki City University



#Regional Cooperation

The event "Yasai no Ie" was held.

 During the three days from Thursday, December 8 to 10 (Sat), students from the University's Regional Comprehensive Collaboration Laboratory (Takeuchi Seminar) and high school students in the city cooperated as volunteers.

 This event was planned and held as part of the “Digital Human Resource Development Model Demonstration Project” commissioned by Shimonoseki City, and participants will focus on familiar issues such as food loss and local issues. The aim is to provide an opportunity to raise awareness of the future in which digital technology can be used.

 On Thursday, December 8, the "Yasai no Ie", which appeared in the civic square in front of the city hall, provided a topic to the passing citizens for two days on the 8th and 9th, and on Saturday, 10th In addition to the production of suddenly wrapped with yellow cloth, a huge carrot and radish-shaped object is placed around the Yasai no Ie, as if a gift box is wrapped in a field.

 At the opening ceremony from 12:00 on the 10th, when the cloth hung on the "Yasai no Ie" was removed by Yohei Kitajima, Deputy Mayor of Shimonoseki City and Professor Yuji Takeuchi, the wall of "Yasai no Ie" was collage with many vegetables. The pattern was remodeled to Christmas-inspired patterns, such as Santa Claus, and cheers were raised from the participants.

 In the face-to-face event, in addition to the distribution of rice provided by JA Yamaguchi Prefecture, high school students and students in the city explained how to use the Shimonoseki City's regional portal site "Shimomachi Plus" and one of its services "Kirameki Netcom".

 At the `` Yasai no Ie '' where you can enter the inside, slide shows using nostalgic photos of Shimonoseki, such as `` Nagato Poppo '' and whaling are screened, and information on food loss issues is introduced, and participants are calm. I was spending the afternoon time.

 Students participating in the "Digital Human Resource Development Model Demonstration Project" will summarize the results of a series of projects, including this event, and prepare for the presentation at the debriefing session scheduled for February next year.

[Date of publication: 2022.12.14]

Shimonoseki City University Urban Mirai Creation Strategic Organization (Regional Cooperation Division)
TEL. 083-254-8613 / FAX. 083-253-1622
E-mail. [email protected]