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Shimonoseki City University



#Community Activities

City Mirai Forum 2022 was held.

 On March 3 (Fri), we held the "Urban Mirai Forum 2022" hosted by TUFS City Mirai Creation Strategy Organization.

 The forum, which was not held for about three years due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and was designed as an academic event that could be attended by the general public outside the university.

 At the forum, starting with a keynote speech by Mr. Shuo Matsunaga, President and CEO of For Quria Co., Ltd., who also serves as an architect of the Shimonoseki City Smart City Promotion Council, various presentations on the theme of connection with the local community and the future Shimonoseki etc. Was.

 At the Shimonoseki City Digital Human Resource Development Model Demonstration Project Report and Opinion Exchange Meeting, students made proposals to Shimonoseki City regarding the actual situation of Shimonoseki City's official portal site Shimonoseki City, which conducted a questionnaire survey in a project commissioned by Shimonoseki City this year, as well as the smart city concept of Shimonoseki City, and the smart city concept of Shimonoseki City.

 It was impressive that students who presented their research on their graduation thesis at this forum said, "I wanted to participate in such an event sooner."
 The Urban Mirai Creation Strategic Organization hopes to improve and continue to provide fresh and intelligent stimulation to more students, faculty, staff, and citizens.

The titles and presenters of each presentation are as follows.

Keynote speech
“Smart City and Shimonoseki City Initiatives”
 Mr. Shuo Matsunaga, President and Representative Director of For Quoria Inc.
 (Shimonoseki City Smart City Promotion Council Architects)

Shimonoseki City Digital Human Resource Development Model Demonstration Project Results Report and Opinion Exchange Meeting
 Department of Economics 3rd year Kamo Sodai
 Department of International Commerce 3rd year Haruka Koike
 Department of Economics 4th year Keito Takeshita

Graduation thesis research presentation
“One Consideration on the Possibility of High-Large Collaboration”
 Department of Economics 4th year Keito Takeshita

“Consideration of Information Dissemination by External Organizations at Events”
 Department of Public Management 4th year Shoya Nagano

Faculty Research Presentation
“One Consideration on the Role of Actors and Organizations and Systems in Industry-Academia Government PBL”
 ISHIKAWA Tomoko, Specially Appointed Professor, Urban Mirai Creation Strategy Organization

“The past” and “future” of the joint research project”
 Faculty of Economics (Director of Urban Mirai Creation Strategy Organization) TAKEUCHI Yuji

[Date of publication: 2023.3.9]

Shimonoseki City University Urban Mirai Creation Strategic Organization (Regional Cooperation Division)
TEL. 083-254-8613 / FAX. 083-253-1622
E-mail. [email protected]