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Shimonoseki City University



#University events

We held a graduation ceremony for the spring semester and a degree award ceremony.

 On September 29 (Fri), a graduation ceremony for the spring semester of 2023 was held in the large conference room on the 5th floor of the main building of the university. This year, 14 students from Department of Economics, 7 from Department of International Commerce, and 2 from Department of Public Management, left the university.

 President in his confession
 Living in society is to be an economic person, and you will have some kind of occupation. In order to live your life, you will go to university, learn your learning, and enter your profession in the future. (Omitted) The infinite possibilities of modern working styles will give you a dream and at the same time you have a dream. Sometimes I think you may be worried, lost, or anxious. Nevertheless, I believe that living carefully in your daily life will surely come up with that potential.
I'm talking about it.

 Our university supports people who are active all over the country or around the world from Shimonoseki.


[Date of publication: 2023.10.2]

Public university corporation Shimonoseki City University
Executive Office General Affairs Department General Affairs Division
TEL. 083-252-0288 / FAX. 083-253-1622