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Shimonoseki City University




The 62nd Shimonoseki City University University Festival "Maguan Festival" was held

 On November 3 (Fri) and 4 (Sat), 2023, the 62nd Shimonoseki City University University Festival "Maguan Festival" was held under the slogan "Ambition, start moving." .

 This slogan reflects the students' desire to revive the Maguan Festival, which had once ceased due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and to create a new and evolving Maguan Festival.

 This year, the main stage was set up in the SDS Driving Arena (gymnasium), and not only students but also citizens came to the event. On the first day, dance performances, Ramune early drinking tournament, and free comedian live were held. The main event on the second day is the bingo tournament. The venue was crowded with many audiences, aiming for luxury prizes.

 On the ground, there were mock shops where circles and other stores opened, and yakitori, meat buns, cotton candy, etc. were sold. In the eating and drinking space, there were many locals and families, and we could see that they were happily chatting.

 The students have spent their college life with frustrated feelings, and they have spent their college life with frustrated feelings. I believe that this Maguan Festival will lead to more active interactions between students and local communities.
 We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the local people for their understanding and cooperation in holding the Maguan Festival.    


                           [Date: 11.14, 2023]

Public university corporation Shimonoseki City University
Student Affairs Department Student Support Division
TEL. 083-252‐0289 / FAX. 083-252-8099