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- The opening ceremony of Shimonoseki City University Faculty of Data Science was held.
Shimonoseki City University
#GeneralThe opening ceremony of Shimonoseki City University Faculty of Data Science was held.
On April 3, 2024, a ceremony was held at the Faculty of Data Science Building (D) of Shimonoseki City University.
The opening ceremony was attended by first-year students of Faculty of Data Science and faculty members of the undergraduate school, and parents and guardians watched the ceremony in a separate room.
At the ceremony, Mr. Faculty of Data Science Matsumoto gave greetings to new students after greetings from President, Korea and Mayor Maedashimo Seki.
After the greeting, a teacher from Faculty of Data Science was introduced, and the ceremony ended in a peaceful atmosphere.
I hope that you will build the foundation of Faculty of Data Science as a first-year student.
- The opening ceremony will begin.
- Greetings from President, Korea
- Mayor Maedashimo Seki
- Greetings from Dean Matsumoto
- The opening ceremony was finished in a relaxed atmosphere throughout the day.
- Dean Matsumoto, who will be interviewed after the opening ceremony
[Publishing date: 2024.4.8]
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