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- The 3rd Open Seminar of Joint Research between Kyoto University and Shimonoseki City University was held.
Shimonoseki City University
#GeneralThe 3rd Open Seminar of Joint Research between Kyoto University and Shimonoseki City University was held.
On May 15, 2024 (Wednesday), a joint research seminar was held by Kyoto University and Shimonoseki City University in the large conference room on the 5th floor of Shimonoseki City University.
At the seminar, Professor Sekiguchi of Kyoto University served as the organizer, and Professor Nozu of the University served as the reporter, and reported and explained the significance of the allocation rules and model analysis. This time, there were about 15 seminar participants, and at the end of the seminar, questions and lively exchange of opinions from the seminar participants were seen.

※1 The allocation rule is a rule given in the model that determines where to buy a consumer (such as a shop).
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