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Shimonoseki City University



#President room

Welcome to the President room! vol.11

This year, three students who are cooperating with NAIST's public relations activities visited the President Office. Kuo Kondo, 4th year in Department of Economics, Hitomi Nishimoto, 4th year in Department of Economics, and Haruna Aoki, 3rd year in Department of International Commerce, publicize our university through the university's official website and videos. The video featuring the three people can be viewed on the official YouTube, and is also broadcast on the digital signage at the entrance of the university. Also, from June, it will be broadcast on digital signage at Shimonoseki Station passage.

President gave words of appreciation to the three people who cooperated in the university's PR, and I had a very meaningful time, including advice on my career path and future.

From the left in the photo, Haruna Aoki, Hitomi Nishimoto, President Korea, and Kuo Kondo.

                           [Date of publication: May 28, 2024]

Public university corporation Shimonoseki City University
Corporate Planning Department Public Relations and Branding Strategy Division
TEL. 083-253-8967 / FAX. 083-253-1622
E-mail. [email protected]