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Shimonoseki City University



#Press Releases

A book written by Associate Professor SUZUKI Toshimitsu of Department of International Commerce Faculty of Economics received the "Encouragement Award" by the Japanese Oral Society of Oral Society of Japan.

"Demographics of Sexuality" (edited by Hiroshi Kojima and Kohei Wada, Kohei Wada), written by Associate Professor SUZUKI Toshimitsu of Department of International Commerce Faculty of Economics, has received the "Encouragement Award" by the Japanese Society of Oral Society. While declining birthrate and aging population have become a major problem, there has been little research in Japan on themes such as gender identity, sexual behavior, dating behavior, and LGBT. Professor Suzuki's paper empirically analyzes the structure, patterns, and factors of marriage diplomacy behavior based on survey data, and puts a stone on difficult themes.

This book, published as a general enlightenment book, is expected to play a role in spreading the usefulness of demographics to society, and was awarded the "Encouragement Award" by the Japanese Society of Organisms.

[The Japanese Society of Organisms was founded in November 1948 and has a history of more than 70 years. Members consist of researchers in basic demographic theory and related fields, and practitioners from government agencies and companies related to demographics. (From the official website of the Japanese Society of Organisms)]