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Shimonoseki City University



#Open Lecture

Citizen's University Open Lecture "Informal Group and Management" has been launched.

 On October 14th (Wednesday), a public university open lecture "Informal Group and Management-Official Organizations and Unofficial Organizations" was held online.

 Professor Yuji Kawano of Department of Public Management, Faculty of Economics, gave specific explanations on the dual structure of the official organization and informal group, as well as detailed explanations with examples. The lectures were held online using Zoom, and the lectures were mainly conducted in the form of lectures. The students listened enthusiastically, and some students asked questions during the Q & A session. Because it is the first attempt to hold online, the students think that there were viewing environment and unfamiliar operations, unlike ordinary face-to-face courses, but the course was held safely without any major trouble I was able to do it.

 All open lectures for the fall semester of 2020 are held online, and some courses are still being offered. If you have any questions, please contact us.

Notice of recruitment of participants of the 2020 Public University Open Lecture (Autumn Semester) (Online)



[Date of publication: 2020.10.19]

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