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Career Support and Employment Results

Career Support

Strong backup of job hunting

At our university, taking advantage of the benefits of small universities, faculty and staff work together to strongly back job hunting for students. Career Center Division provides a wide range of support for career design and job hunting for each student, such as holding employment guidance and on-campus company study groups. Regardless of the grade, the employment counselor will respond in a friendly manner, from the vague consultation of "I don't know what I want to do in the future" to specific consultations directly related to job hunting such as creating application documents and interviews. In addition, for 3rd and 4th graders, we distribute "City University Employment E-mail Magazine" and provide hot information at any time.

In addition, faculty and staff are cultivating companies mainly in Chugoku and Shikoku, Kinki, Chubu, Kyushu, and Kanto. You can find information on the companies you visited andCareer Center Division. In recent years, due to the spread of the Internet, there has been an increasing number of cases where students and companies have direct contact with each other without going through universities. However, based on the track record of cultivating relationships with companies over many years, many companies have asked for jobs via Career Center Division, and many of them are offered by Career Center Division.

Strong reasons for employment

Although the employment environment is a student-oriented seller market, there is no change in the attitude of companies seeking excellent human resources. The high employment rate was maintained because students actively engaged in job hunting while utilizing our systematic career education and various employment support, and supported by the high reputation of companies for our graduates of our university. I am.

In addition, we are focusing on joint industry research meetings held on campus. About 150 companies and organizations participate every year, students can focus on a wide range of industries and learn about various companies and organizations nationwide. This joint industry study group has given a chance to think about one's occupation selection in earnest, leading to a willingness to prepare for job hunting.

The employment rate for graduates in FY2023 was 98.8%. Employment is in various industries, and employment for public affairs, information and communications is increasing year by year. In addition to finding employment in the Chugoku region, including Yamaguchi Prefecture, he also finds employment in regions such as Kanto and Kyushu, and graduates are active nationwide.

Systemal career education program

Based on a systematic career education program, we foster students' employment awareness and develop human resources who can independently design their "career".

Introduction of Employment Support Program


City University Career Study

We invite graduates of our university to share their experiences with their own work experience, industry, and occupation, and get live information.


Joint Industry Study Group

More than 200 companies will be able to visit the university and listen to explanations of various industries and companies, which will be an opportunity to think about their career.


Seminar just before job hunting

Before job hunting begins in earnest, we will provide courses that are practically useful for job hunting, such as interview guidance by our university graduates.