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Shimonoseki City University



#Community Activities

In fiscal 2019, we will continue to work on Yamaguchi Mirai Ishinjuku.

 TUFS students will continue to work on Yamaguchi Mirai Ishinjuku (sponsored by Yamaguchi Prefecture) in FY2019. On July 22nd (Monday), five students participated in pre-learning under the guidance of YMFG ZONE Planning Co., Ltd. (Executive Office of this project). First of all, we organized and grasped the current situation in Yamaguchi Prefecture, and discussed what themes to work on.

 "Yamaguchi Mirai Restoration School" engages in various people, including instructors active in the world, managers of companies in Yamaguchi Prefecture, and students from other schools, think about social and local issues and take action to solve local issues. The purpose is to promote. This year marks the third time, and our university has been participating since the first year of 2017.

 Through this pre-learning, Yamaguchi Prefecture has various goodness and issues, and it seems that there are various approaches to revitalize the area. From now on, we will dig a little deeper into the theme and consider the questions to the governor of Tsugumasa Muraoka at the training camp in August. In the future, a training camp will be held in August (“Aspiration ”development camp”), fieldwork (company inspection, etc.) in September to November, and a briefing session will be held around December.

 Through this program, I am looking forward to seeing how students learn and grow in the community. I would like to be able to report the students' hard work at any time. Thank you to YMFG ZONE Planning Co., Ltd. for your guidance.

 Yuya Sato, Associate Professor of Basic and Liberal Arts Education

 Please refer to the following link for details.