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Recurrent Education Center

All students


Satellite Campus

Location: 3-3-1, Buzendacho, Shimonoseki-shi, Yamaguchi
Room 602, 6th floor, International Trade Building, Yamaguchi Prefectural International Center
TEL/FAX: 083-250-6171

Student data

Past student data on students and auditors at the Recurrent Education Center can be downloaded from the Student Data below.

■Overview of data
Age / Final Education / Place of residence / Course Method / Class Evaluation Results of Questionnaire Survey / Others
(* The contents may vary slightly depending on the year.)

Voices of students

Personal Management Expert Training Course

Morimoto Hanaka


I learned how to communicate smoothly through self-understanding and understanding of others.

The reason I took this course when I told my mother that I was having trouble with management, I was offered this lecture. My mother had taken the course before and it seemed to be very learning, and as I listened to the story, I became interested in it. When I become a member of society, I often study focusing on what I need for my daily work, but in personal management lectures, I was able to learn about the characteristics of human beings and how to communicate, which I could not learn in everyday life and at work, I had a very meaningful time.

I work in digital marketing, and I work in contact with a variety of types of people, including in-house staff, business partners, and managers. By taking this lecture, I was able to understand and verbalize the personality and trends of others, as well as their own personality. I would like to devise what kind of communication should be taken, and I would like to engage with people with compassion while enjoying both work and private life.

Children's talent management training course

Masayasu Furuya


Learning IN-Child Record and CRAYON Book 

I have been on the path of education for a long time. When I encountered one book (President HAN Changwan 's "The Child, not Developmental Intellectual Disabilities IN-Child Miracle"), I was led to two programs, "Recurrent Education Center Shimonoseki City University." While meeting various students, I was searching for ways to assess and support, so I was able to learn very interestingly. "Learning" is always in front of you. If you are trying to solve various questions and issues, you need to learn and update yourself. The willingness to learn does not matter whether you are old or young. In modern times, new, rapid and unexperienced change is taking place. I would like to deepen my learning and make use of learning for children.

Course certification program

Differences from student categories

Category Students taking courses Auditors
Course attendance Part of the course
Qualifications Those who can enroll in our university pursuant to the provisions of Article 18 of the Shimonoseki City University School Rules 1) Those who can enroll in our university pursuant to the provisions of Article 18 of the Shimonoseki City University School Rules
2) Persons aged 18 and over who have been approved by the Center's individual qualification screening conducted by the Center.
Qualification method Certificate of final educational background 1) Certificate of final educational background
2) Individual qualification screening
Course time 60 hours a year 60 hours a year Number of lectures required x 1.5 hours
Completion requirements 60 hours a year None (expiration period)
Certificate at the end of the term Certificate of course Certificate of attendance
Student ID/Parking permit
Validation period
From the start of the selected course to the last day of the course.
※ If the course is half a year and the elective required course is outside the course period.
Separately, the date of attendance shall be accepted.
From the start of the selected course to the last day of the course. Only on the day of the elective lecture
Library User ID
(Department student)
From the start of the selected course to the last day of the course.
※ If the elective lecture date is outside the course period, only Shimonoseki citizens can use it for general use.
From the start of the selected course to the last day of the course. None (available for general use only for Shimonoseki)

Certificate of course and completion requirements

  • The course certificate is issued by the university under the name of President based on Article 105 of the School Education Law.
  • The certificate of completion is an educational background that you can write on your resume.

Therefore, there is a "completion requirement" for obtaining a course certificate.
Each course is a course certification program that allows students to study in a systematic manner in more than 60 hours, so it is a requirement to complete a course of 60 hours or more.

Flow of course

Students taking courses

Attendance confirmation


Completion of completion

Judgment will be made based on the attendance status and results of reports, etc.

Issuance of Course Certificates

We will certify that you have completed the prescribed program and issue a course certificate under the name of President.


Confirmation of attendance


Issuance of certificate of attendance

Check the lecture you attended and issue a certificate of attendance in the name of the center director.

Handling of absences

Students taking courses

In principle, all lectures must be attended.
If the number of hours is insufficient due to absence, the requirements for completing the “Course Certificate” are not met.
However, lectures up to less than 1/3 of all lectures (less than 14 lectures) are supplementary courses ※Accordingly, it is possible to substitute attendance.


Please check whether or not you have taken the course.
In the "Certificate of Attendance", a list of lectures taken during the period is described, so lectures that are absent will not be described.
However, if you wish, you can take supplementary lessons.

Supplementary video viewing and assignments report Et

Supplementary lectures can be substituted for attendance by watching the recorded class and submitting a report to them.
However, in some cases, you may not be able to watch the recording due to equipment malfunction, etc. In that case, the teacher in charge will give you a separate instruction.
The content of the supplementary lecture is basically an impression of watching the recording, but depending on the theme of the lecture, there may be instructions from the teacher in charge. If you are absent (if you wish to take a supplement), be sure to contact the teacher in charge and Executive Office of the Recurrent Education Center.

How to submit assignments (the same applies to final report)


Follow the instructions of the instructor in charge

Deadline for submission:

Follow the instructions of the instructor in charge

Submission method:

Submit online (recommended for those who take online courses)

Upload an assignment to a designated location in Microsoft Teams

File name: (Name) Submission of supplementary assignments

Submit by e-mail

Send to the e-mail address for submitting assignments

Address: Teachers and Center Executive Office
Faculty in charge
Executive Office ([email protected])
Subject: (Course name and name) Submission of supplementary course assignments

Submitted by mail

Send to the following address:

〒751-8510 2-1-1, Daigakucho, Shimonoseki-shi
Addressed to Shimonoseki City University Recurrent Education Center
※Please write that the supplementary assignment is in progress.

About library use certificate (only for applicants)

Category Number of books borrowed Loan period Others
Undergraduate students Four books Within 2 weeks Use of the study room on the 1st floor
One magazine Within 3 days
General use 2 books (magazine x) Within 2 weeks ×

Inquiries and documents to send

Shimonoseki City University Recurrent Education Center
〒751-8510 2-1-1, Daigakucho, Shimonoseki-shi, Yamaguchi
TEL. 083-250-6162 / FAX. 083-250-6163
(Mon-Fri. 9: 00-17: 00)
E-mail.[email protected]