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Open Lecture

2019 Shimonoseki City University “Citizen's University Open Lecture”

Notice of recruitment of participants of the 2019 Public University Open Lecture (Autumn Semester)

[Open Lecture]

Course name
Details Date and time and place Capacity Tuition fees Application

The first ancient document
~ Learn how to read broken characters and decipher historical materials
Lecturer: Lecturer Hitoshi Sanshina

①Characteristics and broken letters of historical materials
②Let's read plain broken letters (Kana characters)
③Let's read a simple broken character (Kanji)
④Let's read a document written in broken letters

※This course is based on the assumption that you will participate in all sessions.
 This course is based on the assumption that preparation (pre-learning) for the assignment has been made, so be sure to prepare and review each time.
 If you have a dictionary required to decipher broken characters, please bring it with you on the day.
 The difficulty of the historical materials handled in this course will be selected according to the proficiency and interest of the participants.

※※This course is for the general public (university students and above).

Thursday (4 times in total)

Shimonoseki City University
I-201 classroom on the second floor of the main building

State of the day>>

About 15 people
(first-come, first-served basis)

2,000 yen
(TUFS students)
Free of charge)


[Open class]

Course name
Details Period, date and time, place Capacity Tuition fees Application

Culture Comprehensive A
Lecturer: SUGA Masashi, etc.

[Thinking about the region and society from shopping centers]
 The shopping center (SC) is very close to us. However, I often don't know about the development and operation of SCs. Various ideas have been elaborated so that customers can come and enjoy the SC.
 SCs, especially large-scale SC, affects the local economy and people's lives. Therefore, it is necessary to contribute to the local community and respond in anticipation of future changes in society.
 In this lecture, participants will learn about the formation of SC, the concept of SC development and operation, and the relationship with the local community, etc. from the instructors who are actually involved in the operation of SC. At the same time, students will learn the significance of learning and working at university through the example of SC.


2019. 10/1 ~ 2020. 1/28
Tuesday (15 times in total)

※For details of each session, please see the file in the details column.

Shimonoseki City University
Class A -301 on the third floor of Lecture Block A

10 people
(first-come, first-served basis)

Free Deadline as soon as the capacity is reached.

Basic Seminars (Intercultural understanding)
~ Japanese Speech Contest by International Students
Lecturer: Associate Professor Misaki Shigeta and others

 Although the taste is different from the usual open lectures, this time you will listen to a Japanese speech contest by international students. International students will give presentations on the theme "I and Japan" with subtitles. The appearance of Japan seen by international students is difficult to see by Japanese people, and they are often noticed by international students. One of the highlights is the question-and-answer session of Japanese students and international students after the speech. I hope that the citizens who are attending will also participate in the question and answer session across borders.

Thursday, November 7

Shimonoseki City University
Class A -101 on the 1st floor of Lecture Block A

State of the day>>

10 people

(first-come, first-served basis)

Free Deadline as soon as the capacity is reached.
  • Date and time are subject to change due to instructor circumstances.


Fill in the desired course name, address, full name (furigana), age, gender, telephone number, parking required / unnecessary, car number (only for those who wish to park on campus) by postcard, mail, fax, or the following e-mail form. Up to "Shimonoseki City University Community Co-creation Center Citizen's University Open Lecture Section"
〒751-8510 2-1-1, Daigakucho, Shimonoseki-shi
TEL.083-254-8613 / FAX.083-253-1622
E-mail [email protected]
●Application form 118KB for fax

Notice of recruitment of participants of the 2019 Public University Open Lecture (Spring Semester)

[Open Lecture]

Course name Details Period, date and time, place Capacity Tuition fees Application

Basics of Financial Analysis
Profitability, safety, cash flow analysis, etc.

Lecturer: Associate Professor ADACHI Shunsuke

After explaining the basic indicators of financial analysis, we will actually conduct financial analysis using securities reports (financial statements) of listed companies.
Please bring a calculator for a simple calculation problem.

Wednesday, May 29

Shimonoseki City University
I-201 classroom on the second floor of the main building

State of the day>>

30 people 500 yen 5/28
(first-come, first-served basis)

Basic knowledge on information security
~ Computer Virus, Fraud Mail, etc.

Lecturer: Prof. MATSUMOTO Yoshiyuki

This section describes security measures such as computer viruses and fraudulent emails.

Thursday, June 13

Shimonoseki City University
2nd floor of the main building I-201 classroom

State of the day>>

30 people
500 yen


(First-come, first-served basis)

Basic knowledge of distribution
New phases of competition between retail industries

Lecturer: Prof. Yukihiro Mori

I will talk about what distribution is and what kind of economic activity it is. I would also like to talk about today's trends in competition between retail industry categories, especially the real retail industry, in response to the rapid development of online shopping.

Wednesday, July 10

Shimonoseki City University
I-201 classroom on the second floor of the main building

State of the day>>

30 people 500 yen


(First-come, first-served basis)
  • Date and time are subject to change due to instructor circumstances.


Fill in the desired course name, address, full name (furigana), age, gender, telephone number, parking required / unnecessary, car number (only for those who wish to park on campus) by postcard, mail, fax, or the following e-mail form. Up to "Shimonoseki City University Community Co-creation Center Citizen's University Open Lecture Section"
〒751-8510 2-1-1, Daigakucho, Shimonoseki-shi
TEL.083-254-8613 / FAX.083-253-1622
●Application form 118KB for fax

Open Lecture Archives

Contact information

Shimonoseki City University Urban Mirai Creation Strategic Organization (Regional Cooperation Division)
〒751-8510 2-1-1, Daigakucho, Shimonoseki-shi, Yamaguchi
TEL. 083-254-8613 / FAX. 083-253-1622