Home EVENT Shimonoseki City University EVENT Study Abroad (English) Briefing Session Announcement of zoom 2020.06.23 Announcement of cancellation of Shimonoseki City University Speech Contest 2020.06.15 Notice of postponement of recruitment of students for the 2020 Civic University Open Lecture (Spring Semester) 2020.04.24 Alert regarding the COVID-19 infection 2020.02.14 2019 Shimonoseki City University Graduate School “Master's Thesis Research Presentation” 2020.01.27 Information on holding a briefing session for dispatched study abroad (English) 2020.01.23 We will hold a study abroad experience presentation! 2020.01.06 The 2nd co-creation salon was held in FY2019. 2019.12.20 Let's learn about the world while staying in Japan! ~ Let's learn about the charm of Irkutsk (Russia), which is called Paris in Siberia! ! Will be held. 2019.12.13 We will hold the 12th Food, See, Interaction, Group-Gyoza Party-! ! 2019.12.10 About holding of joint independent research presentation in 2019 2019.11.27 The 7th Japanese Speech Contest Japan was held! 2019.11.27 The first co-creation salon was held in fiscal 2019. 2019.11.25 We will hold the 2nd co-creation salon in 2019. 2019.11.21 Study Abroad Experience Presentation: Let's listen to the stories from those who have studied abroad! 3rd 2019.10.31 «...910111213...20...»